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Mason's POV:

fuck yes cunt.

this house is sweet. we are truly lucky i have great vision.

we approach the house, and i begin to feel cam get tense, and when he does so do the other guys.

"hey, boys. it's good. there's no evidence of anyone living here, right? surely we would've been shot by now." i say trying to calm them down, but they all give me a look. i sigh. i tried.

we step up to the door, and matt steps up and begins picking the lock. just like that, we hear a snap in the lock, deep inside. he grips the knob and shoves it open. aside from the few blood spots and dust, it looks almost completely unaffected. which is weird on a time like this one. i run in first, almost knocking jay out of the way.

"be careful!" cam hisses but i don't listen. i begin to look about, running through all of the rooms and rummaging through cabinets. there wasn't much, but more than we had currently. i squeal with excitement.

      i keep running around, until i come across a set of stairs, leading to an upstairs. i walk around to find 3 more rooms, adding to my mental count of now 5 not including the den. we have enough room for everyone.


      i come onto a final room, and walk inside. it's still pretty much put together, and sits almost like it's frozen in time. a desk, littered with what appears to be some sort of university work covered with all kinds of pictures. i study the papers more, seeing them covered with tear stains.

poor girl.

i sigh and pick up one of the photos. i study each face.

      a woman, next to about 3 kids. she's decked out in a military uniform, but is anything but serious looking. she's smiling a wide smile, one that makes her eyes light up. she's surrounded by three kids, each looking just like her. two girls and one boy. all just so.... pretty. they all look so happy, and together. i smile, but tears well up. i miss koby.

       i put the picture down, and hear my name being called from downstairs. i trot down the stairs in no hurry, but stop dead in my tracks when i see them. swagger, standing with a duffle bag at his feet, holding a piece of paper. eyes wide, appearing to read it over and over again. and then cameron, standing, staring at a door i'd never noticed before. i look towards the bag. is that... medicine and food? i walk over and snatch the note out of swaggers hand. he grunts in protest, but says nothing. i begin to read,

"hello there.

i suppose if you are reading this, congrats, you broke into my house. i know, that doesn't really matter now does it? i have a favor to ask of you.

i live down in this cellar, which resides behind this door. it's only me, so don't fear. i'm not going to do anything. i have no desire to. but i do ask you leave me alone. in the duffle bag, i've included enough food to last a month for about 3 people and some medicine for various purposes.

i'm begging you, to just please allow me to live for a while. i'm asking you ,don't kill me. im praying, praying you don't. i have to stay alive for a little while longer. i won't bother you, i'll only come up every now and again and i will alert you beforehand, but you cannot under any circumstances come here. i promise it won't go well.

if you need supplies, i'll happily oblige, as long as my rules are met. if you wish to know, knock five times. i'm listening, and i know you're here. i set this outside the door the second you stepped in."

and that's where it ended.

"what are we going to do?" i ask before passing the note back to swagger. cam takes a deep breath.

"maybe we should go elsewhere." he says quickly.

"no, we've been looking for a place to stay for a week, and this place is perfect. we should just... follow their terms considering they aren't too crazy." toby says quickly, shaking her head.

" toby we can't risk it. what if they come up at night and try something." matt says, looking at everyone's faces.

"toby has a point guys. what if we put someone on guard? or barricaded the doors or something? let's at least see their terms first." jay says. cam sighs again, before reaching towards the door. he pounds his fist on it five times, and a packet thing slips under the door.

i pick it up, this time reading it out loud.

"'thank you for agreeing, well almost. included, is a set of rules and regulations i have. now i don't mind sharing, but i have to be respected.'"

i stop reading and flip through the stack of papers, a look of confusion spreading over my face.

"what the fuck is this? are we applying for a job or some shit?" the boys take turns looking at the documents, and laughing slightly in confusion.

Your POV:

     i listen quietly and carefully, ear pressed to the door. i pray and pray and pray. i rock slightly. then i remember,

it doesn't really matter if they decide to kill me, i'll be dead soon anyways.

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