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1. don't come into the cellar for any reason.
2. don't mind my music
3. don't break shit
4. anytime i come up you must go to different rooms then me
5. we will only interact via paper
6. don't allow any other survivors
7. when the time comes, let it come.
8. no personal questions
9. if you decide to move completely, tell me.


i know it seems crazy, but i really need you to fill out the information on everyone. it's really just a group paper, but i have to know.

and no, i'm not going to kill you. i don't want to or i would've done it already.

i will provide assistance, until it becomes dangerous for me.

if you find pictures or anything personal of mine, knock three times, leave it in front of the door, and leave.

there's a pen and paper in the drawer of a desk somewhere upstairs. use that to talk to me. if you need more paper ask.

i'm up a lot at night and sleep mostly during the day. just keep that in mind.


this is just like an extra thing, showing all the rules n shit
i'm sure i'll reference it in a later chapter ok bye

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