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this chapter includes scenes of attempted suicide, ill mark it with *

Swagger's POV:

      the zombies. they were everywhere. i don't even know how they found their way in. all i know, is that the girl in the cellar, saved me. one of the zombies she shot, was headed right in my direction. i was too distracted with another one to notice it, it was right there. i'm so, thankful for her. and i've never even properly met her. the only thing we've gotten out of her, without looking through her family's stuff, is what her voice sounds like, and that she listens to music. but i do know i like her. she risked every boundary she had to help us, i know we can trust her now.

it was already the next day. i sighed loudly, at the thought of waking up. this world now is far more stressful than it used to be and it's taking quite the toll on me. at least these rich people beds are comfortable as shit. i trot down the stairs, and hear the music again. why is she playing it so early? usually she waits a while, to play the music. and it's way louder than normal. i write a note to her quickly, but i doubt she will answer.

"you okay? it's swagger."

i knock as loud as i can after i put the note through the door. i hear footsteps up the stairs, and watch the note fly back under the door. that was fucking fast. i pick it up and read it, and see why.

she didn't write anything back.

Cam's POV:

i awake so the sound of music pulsating through the house. i'm overtaken by confusion as i waddle out of the room. i see swagger by the door, looking down at a piece of paper in his hands. a look of concern crosses over his face.

"hey buddy, what's wrong?" i ask approaching him. his head snaps up, and you can see fear plastered on his face for a second, but it melts away shortly after.

"i sent her this note, and she sent it back exactly the same. i think something is wrong, with her playing the music so loud." i nod my head in agreement and look at the note.

then i take a second to listen to her music. unlike most days, i can actually hear more than a few notes here and there. i can hear lyrics and actual beats. i listen closer and analyze the music. i remember what she said to me yesterday, through the note.

i know more about her now. one thing i can tell you is, that she's sad.

/time skip\

a few hours pass, and a few notes from everyone do too. nothing. nothing but music. so eventually, we give her space. i still sit on the couch and look over at the door. every now and again, but my main focus of attention is the game of cards against humanity being played in front of me. a few days ago, toby stumbled across it in one of the closets, and now mason, jay, swagger, and matt sit in front of me playing it. toby is off cleaning up her room, which is kind of funny since she was the one who found it. i sigh and stand up, walking around trying to find toby. she is just where i thought.

"hey toby. how's it going in here?" she looks up, and stops moving the boxes of stuff around.

"all good, just mostly trying to move some of this stuff out of the way. it's sad having most likely a dead persons stuff around me all the time." she sighs.

"a lot of things are hard now, huh?" we both chuckle lightly.

"i'm worried about cellar girl." she says looking down at the floor. i walk over and pull her into a hug.

"me too, me too."

speak of the devil, we hear our names being called downstairs, something about the cellar girl herself. we speed downstairs, to see matt holding a note. he passes it around, and we all sigh of relief.

"hey guys. sorry to scare you. wasn't feeling to well earlier, took something. feel better now."

im relieved, but something still feels off. i look over at toby, and based on the look on her face, she feels the same.

Toby's POV:

hours go by after everyone's settled in, but still i lay awake.

"damn insomnia," i mumble, groaning and rolling over in my bed.

downstairs, i hear a door open. fuck. i get out of bed slowly, and carefully, making sure not to make too much noise. i crack my door and step out, walking down the hall a bit. from my spot on the balcony, i can see that the cellar door is open. i sigh of relief and walk back into my room. i lay back down, and look towards the wall. i hear a few doors open, and get curious. i go to investigate, when i look outside. in the middle of the yard, sits a large hole. looks a bit like a... grave. then i remember earlier.

no no no. fuck. no.

i jump out of bed when i hear the back doors open, and see a figure walking across the yard. i begin yelling through the house.

"guys! outside now!" i hear grumbles that turn into shuffling, that turn into heavy footsteps behind me. at this point i'm running, i know what's happening.


when i step outside, i see the last thing i wanted. in front of the grave, sits a girl. she is on her knees, pistol pointed to the side of her head. she's sobbing, i can hear her. i don't even think before i scream.

"no! stop!" the gun falls into the grave, and her head flips in my direction. by now the guys find themselves behind me, as we stare at the girl.

the girl in the cellar.

in the moonlight, you can see her expression. horror, fright, and sadness. all on that beautiful face.

"no,no,no." she mumbles continuously, slowly getting quieter. she flips around suddenly and climbs into the hole.


"no! guys come on!" i yell and we all take off. mason and matt get there first, followed by cam and jay. swagger and i get there last. by the time we get there, mason has a firm hold on the girl, and matt holds the gun. he hands the gun to cam who takes it. matt reaches forward and helps mason hold her. she's flailing and crying, trying to get away.

cam looks at her, with a sad look on his face. everyone mirrors that expression.

"take her inside."

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