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Cam's POV:

my eyes open slowly, nearly being blinded by the light coming through the blinds. i groan and go to stand, before i realize there's something on my lap. i look down to see y/n fast asleep, looking perfectly content. i look over her quickly.

a few of the bruises she got from last night are already starting to fade, and the scars i'd noticed on her wrist have become few. which means she'd stopped. i smiled at that, and began calmly playing with her hair. she hummed happily in her sleep.

another thing i'd noticed? she started putting on some weight. i know i know, it sounds bad but definitely not how i mean it. when we first met her, she was skin and bone. it was almost like she'd eaten the bare minimum to survive for the few months this had been happening. maybe even before it did too. but now, she didn't look as skinny. you could see muscle on her arms too, which is all good. i smile contently.

i can't believe how much has changed since we met her a month or so ago. her mood has lifted, and her health is getting better. it's also insane to me, how she is so persistent. just about a week ago, she was shot. and last night, she took out a decent amount of people. she continues to amaze me.

      i look around the room at all of my friends, and remember just how lucky i am to know them. i lay my head back onto the couch as i continue to play with y/n's hair. if i stop she'll probably wake up and whine or something, so i'll just keep doing it. also, it's something i want to do for her.

      i feel some shuffling on my lap, and i take my hand out of her hair. she groans and grabs my hand again, before putting it back on her head.

"good morning." she says sleepily. "keep doing that it felt good."

"good morning, and you're needy already. damn." i whisper back to her, careful not to wake the others. she slaps my knee and giggles quietly.

"we know. we know." i smile down at her.

we sit there and chat quietly for a while, before everyone gradually woke up. a few of them shot me a weird look, considering i still had my hand wrapped up in y/n's hair. she didn't seem to mind much, so neither did i. after a bit though, she got up to make us some breakfast. i sighed, wishing we could've stayed just like that for a bit longer.

Swaggers POV:

       after we all ate breakfast, we sat down again to play another card game. this time, someone actually found a deck of uno cards. this is gonna be fucked. after a while of playing that with jay, matt, and mason, i got bored and went to find other people. toby and cam went out a bit earlier to look at one of y/n's neighbors houses, and were to be back shortly. so time to find y/n. after looking in the cellar and in her room, there was only one other place to look. and sure enough, she was laying down on her back porch, just looking up into the sky.

      it was starting to get a bit warmer, so she'd been out here a lot recently. i walk over to her and "almost" kick her in the side. she laughs and sits up, patting the spot next to her. i take a seat.

"whatcha up to you little shit?" she says looking at me with a goofy smile.

"ya know, running my drug cartel. how's the sky looking?" she laughs and shrugs.

"normal. which is weird, you'd think it'd look different." we both look up. it was a sunny day, with a few clouds here and there.

"what do you mean?"

"i don't know. i guess in movies and shit when stuff like this happens everything goes to shit. even the sky." i laugh. she does have a point.

"true. that it does." we both sit there comfortably for a while, but a question throws itself out of my mouth before i'm able to stop it.

"are you... ya know... feeling any better?" she glances at me and sighs.

"considerably. not entirely tho." i nod.

"good, good. this is gonna sound like obvious as shit but we really are here for you. especially me. i'll listen if you can get me to shut up for more than 3 seconds." she smiles at me and chuckles. "plus, i could use human interaction so that ya know, i don't go batshit crazy or something."

"aren't you already?" she says.

" a bit. but that's beside the point." we laugh and talk a bit more. mostly about life beforehand. mostly about university, because we at least have that in common. conclusion: actual hell.

       the back door opens and mason pops his head out.

"oi cunt can you make me something i'm starved." he says pouting at y/n. she rolls her eyes playfully and stands, before heading towards the door. she stops and looks at me before saying.

"well come on bitch. you are helping me." i stand up and walk inside with her, helping her with some dinner for everyone. together, we make some bombass food, that's for sure.

      eventually we all gather and eat, cam and toby joining us when they get back. we all play another game of cards against humanity, all together this time. of course i win most of them, in a close race with y/n herself.

     suddenly, a weird darkness takes over the house. y/n stands up quick, and walks over to the windows. she peaks through the blinds.

"oh shit." she mumbles.

"what is it?" toby calls out, worry all over our faces.

"the sky is like black. i think it's about to storm really bad."

"it's just a storm." mason says, as we all stand up to look.

"no, this one looks bad." matt claims peeking through the blinds. we all collectively agree.

"ok. everyone, grabs your shit. let's ride this out downstairs." cam declares, and we start moving.

i'm like overhyping this storm but y'all know what i mean
it looks like one of those thunderstorms that look like your whole towns about to flood lmao
anyways here you go
i'm schleep
to my american friends out there,
happy thanksgiving
and to my non american friends
happy thursday.

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