•the setup•

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Your POV:

"get your shit together, we are going!!" i yell up again, for the millionth time.

"we are coming stupid ass bitch!" i hear swaggers voice ring through the house. i laugh.

it's been a month since i finally decided to come up from the cellar. and it's been good. but, with the amount of people, we are running out of food. and quick. so today is the dreaded day, a supply run. today, it's me, cam, swagger, and jay. matt, toby, and mason are going to stay here to hold down the fort.

finally, the guys trudge downstairs.

"about fucking time. let's go." i say and i turn towards the door. all four of us say goodbye, and leave.

we start walking in a direction down one of the roads, with guns in our hands. we are pretty much silent.

     everything around us is beginning to ruin. cracks are appearing in paint, that's also being covered over by various plants. any building in sight, appears to have been raided. but it won't hurt to check. i signal for us to head towards one of the stores lining the street. we walk inside, and look to see most of the shelves completely empty. i try to look around some more, and end up finding some water bottles, medical supplies, and a few cans of food. jackpot. i start tossing them to the guys, and they seem happy. we start to leave in search of something more, because even though what we found is helpful, it's just not enough for seven people. as we are walking out, i see another can lying on the ground, so i bend down to pick it up. as soon as i do that, and gunshot sounds. i freeze and scream.

"fuck!" i panic and look around. "everyone okay?" i yell running towards cover.

"yeah we are good!" i hear cam yell. i notice a bullet hope on of the shelves, right where my head would've been. they were aiming for me. i shudder at the thought that i almost died.

"guys, it's a sniper in the woods across from the door." i yell out, cocking my gun. i see swagger make his way towards the door, shotgun in hand. he peaks just around the corner, and another shot sounds. it just barely misses his head.

"we need to find a way out of here or we are fucked!" i hear jay yell.

"start looking for exits! swagger you good?" i yell over to him. he nods his head yes. i start to crawl towards the back of the store, looking for a possible exit. i come across a door, but it's jammed. i push on it as hard as i can, but i can't get it open. so i do a stupid thing. i run at it, and throw my whole body into it. the door flys open, and i find myself sprawled out on the concrete. my whole body aches, but i get back up and crawl back to the front. i find cam and crawl up next to him. i whisper in his ear,

"keep the shooter distracted. i'm going to go take care of it. there is an exit around back, so when you hear a gunshot you run. even if it's me whose dead, don't stop running. if i'm alive, i'll meet y'all at the house okay?"

he looks concerned and upset, but he nods. i half hug him, before taking off through the back door. i hear gunshots sound, meaning they're trying to distract him. i walk around the back of a building, and then along the side of it. when i see the tree line, i run. when i'm inside of it, i hear the bullets stop. i'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. but it's about as good of a sign as i'm going to get.

i pull out my pistol and walk through the woods. i see a few zombies sprinkled through the woods, so i know i've gotta make this shit quick.

       i eventually see them, propped up, leaning into their sniper. i try to sneak up on them, but them most cliché thing happens. a fucking twig snaps under my foot. their head flips around to face me, and i can see them panic. i start to run at them, and they scramble to control their gun. they aim it right at my head again, but slip. a shot sounds, and i feel a searing pain in my arm. i keep going though, i don't have time to sit here and cry about it. because if they listened, there are about six guys running just beyond the tree line and i can't let them get shot at. i charge at them, and they stand up. by the time i reach them, they have their hands up and i have them at gun point. they notice my injury, and smirk. in a quick movement, they disarm me. but i was ready for that. as soon as they did, i took out their legs. they land onto the dirt with a thud. i crawl on top on them, and use my food arm to do as much damage as possible. i start to reach for my gun again, when they swing at me, i dodge it, but i don't dodge the second one. they land a few more on me as i scramble to get the gun. i finally have it in my grip, and i point it in between their eyes. i close my eyes, and pull the trigger. a gunshot sounds, and the body underneath me goes limp.

       i stand, and start to walk. sobbing as my feet carry me along. i'm still not strong enough for any of this. i killed someone, something i wasn't sure id ever be able to do.

     the adrenaline has worn off, so my arm and face now hurt like a bitch. but i continued, still sobbing. i still couldn't believe i'd killed someone. that because of me, they aren't here. but honestly, if i hadn't they would've killed me and my friends, and i can't have that.

      but the thoughts i'd managed to banish a few weeks ago are back, and louder.

wow. you're awful. you just killed someone! do you think you even deserve to live?

do it. you'll be doing everyone a favor. you need to pay for what you did.

i exhale quickly, and my sobbing becomes louder. i stuff my sleeve into my mouth, trying to attract any unwanted attention.

i see the house. i start running. cam throws open the door as soon as he sees me. he runs to me, and hurries me inside. there, they sit my down in the couch.

"holy shit. are you okay?" mason says when he sees my arm.

"yeah. i'm fine, i just need the bullet out." i say. "can you go into my room, and get my bag? the medical one." swagger takes off upstairs. "cam?"

"yes?" he looks up from my arm and into my eyes.

"take me to the cellar, we can't ruin the couch." i sigh. no one has been down there since the night i tried to... leave. not even i had. i had also totally forgotten about the food and supplies i had down there. i gasp. "there's supplies down there! i'd totally forgotten. we will have to grab that." he nods.

eventually, swagger comes back downstairs with my bag, and cameron picks me up to carry me downstairs. my arm still hurts, but it's not the worst thing ever.

    when we get everything down there, i begin to brief them. i can't do this myself, so someone has to. matt volunteers.

"okay matt. are you ready?" i say looking at him.

"yeah. i think i can do this." but still, i can tell hes anxious.

"okay. take those tweezers," he picks them up, "now, put them in the wound and move them around a bit until you find the bullet. don't stop, no matter how loud i scream okay?" he nods and begins to do exactly as i told him.

      just as i expected, it fucking hurt. i screamed a bit, but bit my tongue. i'm not trying to scare him.

"okay i found it. what do i do now?"

"open the tweezers, and grab onto the bullet. pull in the same direction it came in okay?" he nods and i shut my eyes. this time i do actually scream, but swagger quickly shoves some cloth into my mouth to silence it. eventually, matt gets the bullet out and sighs. he lays back and calms himself down while cam wraps up the wound. i start breathing normal again, and i turn to face matt. i grab his hand with my good one.

"thank you." i say, smiling at him. he smiles back.

"not a problem. want some tylenol?"

"fuck yes. please." he helps me take them, and i start to relax. in the background, i hear someone put on one of my records. i hum along to the music and shut my eyes. i go right to sleep.

the writing style i did this in for this chapter fucking sucks lol i'm so sorry.

i like, was tired while writing this thing so it sounds so bad and rushed. i'm sorry, the next chapter will
be better

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