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3rd person

The blond locks boy groaned in agony as he stirred from his deep slumber. He felt confined, which made the automatic action of rubbing his eyes near enough impossible. He then experienced a sudden sting flow to his face and head. How he'd imagine ones skin being skinned alive, was the pain he felt from his open cut face. His head was thumping excruciatingly as if it was a heart instead. About his head he thought to Hillian. He felt betrayed, yet was worried about her safety. At the thought he tried to clearly open his eyes, but it was a blur and a chore.

"Rest. Your face is extremely swollen and bruised. Trying to force your muscles to do anything will cause more pain, said the doctor." Explained a familiar female voice.

"Hillian?" He said in a raspy whisper. She didn't sound like Hillian, Hill had a more smoother voice, not so high pitched and perky. But who else could it be?

"If that's the black friend of yours who found you after your attack, then no I'm not her." She giggled.

"Ave?" He tried again, struggling with his extremely dry throat.

"Well done! Now lay back and relax, I'm going to get some water for you." The short haired brunette instructed.

Chad was so confused. He didn't speak, but just listened to his cousin speak and waffle on about how lucky he was that Hillian or the 'black girl' - as she referred to, found him and stayed by his side until she came. Chad didn't understand his cousin's story, because he thought he was already with Hill and her crazy step brother went on a mad one. But his head was hurting so much he didn't know.
Getting jumped on the way to Hillian's house and passing out from the impact sounded more logical than his thought. Maybe his thought was a dream- well nightmare from the blow.

"More water." He demanded.

Ave attended to him, before waffling on her three week stay. She then began talking about the most random things regarding incest, cannibalism and her grades. He didn't have the strength to tell her to shut up, but eventually forced himself back to sleep.

"That's a real nice place your friend living at though. Her family must be business people or lawyers or some shit." Ave stayed out loud.

Yeah that is a NICE place she got Chad noted to himself before dozing off.

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