New hero

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Mari's POV

I was working on our costumes when my phone vibrated. I picked it up and saw a message from Nadia.

Mari can you take care of Manon for today. I got some work to do, it says.

"Is there something wrong?" Hope I mean Zoey asked me.

"Well, one of my friends requested me to take care of her daughter" I sighed.

"That must be pretty hard. You can take care of her today. The competition is only three days from now, can you make it?" she asked worried.

"I can manage somehow" I said.

"Just remember your not alone. Actually you can ask her to come here" she suggested. That's a great idea

I messaged Nadia where I am right now. After 10 minutes someone was at the door. I opened the door and saw Nadia and Manon.

"Now be a good girl" as Nadia kissed Manon at the forehead and left. Manon ran to random rooms and bumped into Hope.

"Hey there little angel" she said.

"Who are you?" she asked her.

"Manon don't run" I said

"So she's the one I'll be looking for" she said as she carried Manon and went to the dressing room.

"A princess should know how to dress" she said. She picked the small cute pink dress and changed Manon's outfit.

Hope's POV

Marinette was making our outfits while I spend time with Manon.

"Are you my fairy godmother?" she asked me.

"I'm a magical princess who grants wishes to kids who are nice" I lied, well half-truth.

I taught her how to bake cookies and play some games. After that we brought Mari the cookies we bake and ate them. I noticed that Manon was getting sleepy so I sang her a lullaby.

"Cast away your worries, my dear
For tomorrow comes a new day
Hold to me you've nothing to fear
For your dreams are not far away
As you lay your head and you rest
May your dreams take over my love

Though the world is cruel
There's a light that still shines
In the darkest days of our lives
When all hope seems lost
And you can't find your way
Think of me as you look to the sky"

I saw Manon sleeping so I took her to my bed and went to the dressing room where Mari is.

"Are you done?" I asked her.

"Yeah, almost. By the way, who made that lullaby?" she asked.

"My mom used to sing that to me whenever I feel scared, lonely and sad" I told her. After 2 hours Nadia came back and took Manon home. Marinette went home after designing our outfits. I feel sorry for her so I think of a way to repay her. I went to the kitchen and prepared our dinner.

"Luu, do you feel lonely sometimes?" I asked her while preparing our dinner.

"Well yeah" she responded. That's right, kwamis have lived long before us.

After eating I transformed into a superhero and went around Paris. I looked around and went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. I saw the street lights blooming around Paris. I stayed there for minutes when I saw an explosion. I jumped there and saw Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting a giant baby.

"Need help" I told them.

"Who are you?" Chat asked.

"Name's Alpharix new hero" I said. We lured the giant baby to the Eiffel Tower and Ladybug used her Lucky Charm. She got a traditional teacup.

"I'm gonna leave you two" Ladybug said as she used her yoyo and left us.

"It's just the two of us" Chat flirted.

"Sorry but your charms don't work on me" I said to tease him. I used my whip and tied both of his feet.

"We need to know where is the baby's akuma" Chat said.

"What's an akuma?" I asked him.

"No kidding, you don't know what's an akuma" as he laughed at me. The baby used his hands and slam it to the ground, causing an earthquake. We were about to get but luckily Ladybug returned with a hero. He carried me and landed to one of the roofs, while Ladybug saved Chat Noir.

Luka's POV

I carried the new hero to one of the roofs as we observe where is his akuma.

" can let go of me" she said. I let her go as she went there and grabbed her whip.

"Alpharix I would like you to meet Viperion" Ladybug introduced me to her. The giant baby got up and started slamming his hands to us. We dodge his attack but everytime we dodge his attack he destroyed the roofs where we landed.

"Lucky Charm" as Ladybug used her lucky charm and got a mirror. She looked around to look on how to defeat the villain.

"Viperion use your power" she commanded. I used my power of second chance and waited for the next instruction.

"Alpharix use your whip to tie it to the pacifier. Chat go to the Eiffel Tower and ready to use your cataclysm" she said. Chat went tobthe Eiffel Tower while Alpharix used her whip to tie it to the pacifier. Ladybug used the mirror to reflect the light of the moon and pointed to the giant baby's eye. The baby started to cry and the pacifier fall from his mouth. Alpharix used her whip and toss it to the Eiffel Tower, while Chat used his cataclysm to destroy the pacifier.

"You okay?" I asked Alpharix who seems exhausted.

"Sorry for bothering you Viperion" Ladybug apologized.

"It's cool" I said

"Alpharix who gave you the miraculous?" Ladybug asked her.

"Don't worry master fu gave it to me" she said. Ladybug's earring beeped so she used her lucky charm. After everything's been fixed we went to an alley and gave her the miraculous.

"I'm really sorry Luka I don't why my lucky charm bothered you" she apologized.


The lullaby was Inuyasha's lullaby by Lizz Robinett.


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