Knee Injury

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"I hate Physical Fitness" Marinette sighed as all of her classmates went to the stadium. They saw Mr. D'Argencourt waiting for them. The teacher instructed them to run ten laps. Everyone became bored except for Kim and Hope. They were divided into 4 groups.

Group 1
· Mylene
· Adrien
· Alya
· Juleka
Group 2
· Alix
· Ivan
· Kim
· Sabrina
Group 3
· Rose
· Chloe
· Max
· Nino
Group 4
· Hope
· Lila
· Nathaniel
· Marinette

After the first group ran 10 laps they were extremely exhausted. The group 2 looked nervous after seeing how the first group look so exhausted.

I better work on my acting this time. That Hope let's see how she gonna get out of this one, Lila thought while glaring at Hope.

After the second and third group the fourth group went on the field. Lila gave Hope a smirk. She's up to no good again, Hope thought as she got nervous.

When they started running only Lila and Hope were the fast one. They are followed by Marinette then Nathaniel. When Hope dropped her guard down, Lila purposely tripped over Hope. Hope's right knee was bruised.

"I'm so sorry Hope I didn't mean it" Lila lied.

"Are you okay?" as Marinette tried to help Hope. Hope tried to get up but she still pretended that it was nothing. She didn't let them know she was in pain. The others immediately rushed to her side.

"What happened?" Adrien asked.

"Lila accidentally tripped over me. Silly Lila next time you should watch were your running?" she said sarcastically and gave Lila a smirk.

"That's not true, I saw Lila tripped purposely" Marinette defended.

"Me? But why would I do that?" Lila acted like she didn't do it purposely.

"No it was no one's fault it was an accident" Hope said while enduring the pain. When she took a step everyone saw that she was in pain.

"Are you really okay?" Rose worried.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" as Hope still pretends.

After they patch Hope's knee injury they went to the classroom for their History Class. While discussing the principal requested for Hope and Ms. Bustier presence at the principal's office. When they went to the principal's office both of them became paralyzed, while the others tried to eavesdrop.

"A-auntie" as Hope's eyes widened, it was like she saw a ghost.

"H-how?" she asked her.

"How did I know you were here, an anonymous letter came two days ago. So I went here and it seems the anonymous person was right" as she walk to Hope.

"And to think that Ms. Bustier didn't tell me, I hope your ready to face the consequence" she threatened both of them.

What? Ms. Bustier didn't do anything why must she be punished as well, Zoey thought.

"Why? All I ever wanted was to go outside and have an experience-" when she was slapped by her auntie.

"Enough with this nonsense" she shouted.


"Who are talking to?" Adrien asked the others. But like him everyone was clueless.

"Uhh who cares?" as Chloe was polishing her nails.

"Look at what happened to you, you got injured all because you went outside to the dangerous world. Please understand that I don't want to lose you, your the only memory that my sister left me" she said.

"Well you just lose me" as Hope opened the door and saw everyone eavesdropping, she was scared to face her classmates so she went to the bridge.

"Aghhhhhh!" she yelled very loud, releasing all the bitterness in her heart.

"I feel two negative emotions but I can only akumatize one person. A queen wanting to protect her niece from harm, while a princess who wants freedom. It's a hard choice but I'll choose the queen instead" as Hawkmoth turned the pure butterfly into a dark violet butterfly.

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