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Hawkmoth's POV

   Lila was right this was worth the wait. Such despair and agony. "Come little akuma and put darkness into this pure soul" as I created an akuma and released it. The akuma went to the girl's bracelet.

   "Such pain and agony filled your heart. Let me help you with that. From now on you'll Queen Melody and everyone will hear your melody of pain and suffering." as I tried to convince her but she is still resisting my influence.

  "No you won't convince me Hawkmoth" as she struggles to drive the akuma away.

  "Are you going to let him away?" as I got her attention.

  "Bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses and you will have your revenge on Marinette and Luka" as she gave up and turned to one of my villian.

Marinette's POV

     I saw Zoey running away. What happened to her? I went to the classroom to know what happened, I saw Volpina turned into Lila. What does that mean? The akuma got purified and landed on her finger.

"I got what you want in return make her Marinette suffer" she said as the akuma flew away from the window. Lila is working with Hawkmoth.

        "Make me suffer? What do you think Ladybug and Chat Noir will do if they found out about this? What would Adrien think about you after hearing this?" I shot her questions to make her nervous.

      "Marinette you know very well that everyone believes me more than you. So you can't threaten me with just words" she said confidently as she walks close to me.

    "This isn't a old era, Lila. I think you forgot about the CCTV's around the school don't you?" I threaten her again this time she was nervous.


Queen Melody's POV

       The new me is here.

"Hawkmoth let me ask you this, you said that I can control anyone here in Paris once they hear my voice?" I asked him and said yes making me smirk. "Then-" I paused and gave him an irritating smirk. "I command you to de-transform now" as he seemed shock to what I said. "What?!" he exclaimed as he de-transform helplessly. To my surprise the villain Hawkmoth is none other than the over-protective Gabriel Agreste.

       Knowing that he was Hawkmoth had me an idea on how to take revenge on Marinette and Luka. Finally I can let out this pain that I kept inside. I transform back to my original civilian form and went to master Fu. "Zoey this isn't right" my kwami Luu warned me.

        "Zoey doesn't exist anymore, from here on out they will know me by the name Queen Melody. But first I'll borrow her name so shut up and don't appear again with that lousy mouth of yours" I said to her as she vanish which made me much more comfortable. I went to Master Fu's apartment, I saw him meditating. "Master Fu something urgent is happening" I pretend to be in hurry.

      "What the rush, Zoey?" he asked me. "There's no time Ladybug needs some help" I lied to him and he believed me without second thought. When he was about to open the box he asked me.

"Where's Luu?" he asked me.

"Just give me the goddamn box" I smiled at him irritated.

"Oh no, Wayzz shell o-" he paused when I commanded him to stop speaking.

"Master, Zoey what did you do?" Wayzz questioned me. I transform back to my villain formed. "Zoey your possessed by Hawkmoth, don't let him take over you" Wayzz tried to make the old me snap out of it.

"Possess me? I wonder who's the being possessed" as I let out a laugh. I took the fox miraculous from the box and took the turtle miraculous from the old man. "Thanks old man rest assured that these two miraculous are safe with me" as I bid him goodbye.

        "Marinette bad news someone is akumatized here in school" as I transform back. Once my plan is done I can finally stay on my true form again. "You give this to the owner. Don't worry your secrets safe with me" I whispered to her and hands the miraculous to her. I really hate her guts, why do Luka like her anyway?

      I went to the broadcasting room to finish my plan while she's busy with miraculous. "Hello everyone this is your future queen speaking, so everyone is super curious about who Ladybug and Chat Noir is, right?" I smirk when I saw Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rogue and Carapace together.

    "Hold it Zoey this isn't you?" Ladybug tried to sympathize me using her calming voice, but instead it made me irritated. I ran through the center of the school as they tried to chase me.

    "I'm tired of pretending" I sighed and transormed back. "No way she's akumatized" Chat exclaimed.

"Never thought that all of you will be easy to fool" I said.

"Where's the miraculous box?" Ladybug said angrily.

"Well before that don't you wanna know who's Hawkmoth is?" as I caught their attention. Carapace was about to throw his shield at me when there body started to stop moving.



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