Queen Moth

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"It's the queen" Marinette said when Zoey left the door opened. Everyone was surprised except for Kim, Nino, Alya, Alix and Marinette that Hope was a princess and her real name was Zoey.

"She doesn't understand I'm only doing this for her safety, but because I didn't pay attention to her I broke her heart and dreams" the queen said stressed.

"Zoey only came here because of the coronation. She didn't want to be the next queen but you never listen to her" as Ms. Bustier rubbed the queen's shoulder, comforting her.

"Watch out there's an akuma" Adrien shouted but the akuma already landed on the Queen's crown.

"Queen Moth I am Hawkmoth. I'm giving you the power to show her just how dangerous this world can be all I ask in return are Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses" as a purple butterfly appeared on her face.

"This world is to much dangerous for her" as she agreed and got transform into a villain.

Luka saw Hope yelling at the bridge. He went to her and tried to comfort her.

"What happened?" Luka asked her worriedly.

"N-nothing" as she looked away.

"You can tell me anything" Luka said with a calm voice.

"Actua-" Zoey paused when someone shot Luka with a beam that transformed him into a girl.

"What happened to you?" she asked him and saw the same person who looks like Luka.

"It's my sister, she's been akumatized" as Luka protected her from turning into a reflection of Reflekta. I can't transform in an open space area, they will know I'm Alpharix, as Zoey tried to think of a way. After looking around she thought of a plan but it was interrupted when another akumatized person came. She was wearing a purple gown and her hair color was black. Even if she was dressed differently Zoey knew it was her auntie, Queen Sarah.

"W-what happened to you?" Zoey asked, surprised. She grabbed Zoey and went to the Eiffel Tower and let her go.

"I am now Queen Moth and you will never disobey me again" she said furiously.

"This is not you, snapped out if it" as she tried to talk things out. But she knocked Zoey out and went to where Alya is.

"Hello Lady Wifi" as she touched Alya in the shoulder and Alya got transformed into Lady Wifi.

"Lady Wifi I want you to find Chat Noir and Ladybug and bring them to me" she ordered her. Lady Wifi immediately tried to find where Ladybug and Chat Noir is. Queen Moth akumatized Reflekta, Lady Wifi, Bubbler, Zombizou, and Horrificator.


"Man this is too much. M'lady if you have a plan it's the best time to use it" as Chat Noir struggles to defeat Zombizou and Bubbler at the same time while Ladybug was busy defeating Horrificator. Ladybug was pushed into the corner while Chat wasn't able to help her. When Ladybug was about to be trapped with slime, she was pulled out of the corner using a whip.

"I see two paws aren't enough, then how about we make it four" Alpharix said it sarcastically. She wrapped her whip to Zombizou's waist and swung her.

"Alpharix so nice to see you, thanks for lending me a paw" Chat flirted.

"Woah easy there kitty, miss bug there is getting jealous" she teased him.

"Lucky Charm" as Ladybug used her lucky charm and got a chinese painting. After thinking she swung her yoyo to a roof.

"Cover me. I'll be back for a minute" she said as Bubbler tried stop her. Chat Noir extended his stick and stopped Bubbler.

"Marinette Dupain Cheng you must pick an ally to fight alongside you. Once the mission is done you'll return the miraculous to me" as Master Fu opened the miraculous box. Marinette analysed the situation they are into.

"Queen Moth is one of the toughest villain, we will never had a second chance if we got defeated. Or maybe we have" as Marinette took the snake miraculous. After that she searched Luka but all she saw are the reflection of Reflekta. She searches the town and saw a Reflekta with a guitar on the back. She knew it was Luka since the guitar on his back was the same as Luka's guitar.

"Ladybug there's an emergency Hope was being kidnapped by a villain. You need to help her" he said to her.

"I know but me, Chat and Alpharix can't do it alone. Luka Couffaine this is the miraculous of the snake which grants the power of second chance" Ladybug said as Luka took the miraculous boc and opened it. A ball of light spinned around Luka.

"It's nice to see you again, owner" a snake kwami named Sass greeted him.

"Once the mission is done you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?" she asked him.

"If you ever need my help I'm here for you" as he sweetly smiled to her.

"Sass, scale slither" as he turned into Viperion, they went to where Alpharix and Chat is. They saw them struggling when Reflekta and Lady Wifi showed up. Viperion  activated his second chance and helped Alpharix while Ladybug helped Chat Noir.

"Viperion nice of you to drop by, maybe this time I'll be able to see what your capable up" Alpharix said it sarcastically and went to the roof. She told them that Queen Moth was there.

"We should help Hope there" Viperion said while Alpharix panicked a little.

"Don't worry I took her to a safe place" Alpharix said nervously. Crap I forgot think of that before going here, she thought.

"So last one who arrive is a rotten egg" as Alpharix gave an optimistic smile and swing her whip and went to the Eiffel Tower.

"Hey wait up" as Chat Noir extends his stick and went to the ET(Eiffel Tower). Ladybug and Viperion also went there, but when they arrived they didn't saw Alpharix but instead it was Hope/Zoey.

"Where's Alpharix?" Chat asked Zoey.

"Alpharix? Who is that person?" as she pretends to not know the new hero.

"We don't have time to search for her. I'll just use my LUCKY CHARM" as she got a knife. A knife? Of all thing why a combat knife?, as Ladybug sighed. She looked around but she doesn't know how to use it so she gave it to Zoey who seems nervous.

"Do you know how to use this?" she asked her and Zoey nodded. Zoey took the knife while Ladybug tries to plan something. While trying to figure out a plan someone interrupted her.

"Be careful, we still don't know what her powers are?" Ladybug warned all of them, as everyone was being cautious.

Hope's POV

I was a bit uneasy since I was in my civilian form. They can't know I'm Alpharix. I saw my aunt- I mean Queen Moth's face angry, she was furious. After a while the others went where we are. We are at a disadvantage here, there are too many of them. We can't handle them one one one. Not to mention that I only knew few of them. Zombizou's power is to make people spread love, Reflekta's power is to make people look like her, Bubbler's power is to make strong and indestructible giant bubbles. If only I was Alpharix I could use my power, looks like it would take a miracle to get out of here.

"I give up" as I raised up my hands and dropped my knife.

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