Surprise Slumber Party

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Hope's POV

Oh my gosh oh my gosh, I can't believe I let him hug me, as I was embarrassingly hugging my pillow.

"Someone's in love" as Luu teased me.

"Not funny, Luu" as I left my bedroom and took a shower. How did he do it? His arm was warm and tender. It's been years since I've been hugged like that

After taking a shower I changed my clothes and went to the balcony to breathe some fresh air. So this is freedom, no one telling me what to do, no guards, no maids, no duties.

I look at the gate and saw Luka and Juleka. I went down downstairs and opened the gate.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

"Actually Marinette, Alya, Nino, Mylene and Rose are on their way" Luka said.

"We think that living here would be lonely, so we planned you a surprise slumber party" Juleka said. We waited for the others and went inside.

Everyone Rose, Mylene, Juleka and Luka seems surprised.

"Make yourself at home" I told them. Luka and Nino helped me get the futons in my bedroom. We planned that all of us will sleep at the living room.

"Let's play a game" Mylene suggested. All of us agreed to play truth or dare. Since Mylene was the one who suggested it, she will spin the bottle. The bottle kept twirling until it stops pointing at Rose.

"Rose, truth or dare" Mylene asked her.

"Dare" she replied.

"I dare you to play a guitar" she said. Rose tried to played a guitar but it didn't go as plan. After playing Rose spins the bottle and stops pointing to me.

"Hope, truth or dare" she asked me.

"I'll go with the truth" I said.

"Do you like Luka?" she asked. What kind of question is that? Is that even possible

"On second thought I'll go with Dare" I said.

"So you like Luka, huh" Alya teased me. I really hate it when people tease me. I looked at Luka who seems blushing.

"I like him, as a friend" I said. Sorry Luka

After that everyone seems unsatisfied so I told them that I would you any dare Rose would say.

"Then I dare you to sing for us" she said.

"What kind of song?" I asked her.

"I know. Why don't you sing us the lullaby" Marinette said.

"Cast away your worries, my dear
For tomorrow comes a new day
Hold to me you've nothing to fear
For your dreams are not far away
As you lay your head and you rest
May your dreams take over my love

Though the world is cruel
There's a light that still shines
In the darkest days of our lives
When all hope seems lost
And you can't find your way
Think of me as you look to the sky"

"Your voice is really beautiful" Luka complimented me.

"Thanks" as I spin the bottle and stops pointing at Mari.

"Mari, truth or dare?" I asked her.

"Truth" she said.

"Mari do you like Luka?" I asked her, well a bit jealous. Wait, why am I jealous?

"Why does it have to be me?" Luka sighed. I giggled a little and told him "Sorry".

"Adrien's the one I love. But I think I like him" she said. For some reasons my heart felt an ache. Luka spinned the bottle and points at me.

"Is this possible?" I asked them. All of them nodded while Alya had a smirk in her face.

"I'll go with truth" I said and sighed.

"What is your type?" he asked.

"I don't actually have a type but I want guy who can accept me whole heartedly" I said it without realizing. WHAT DID I JUST SAID!!!!

"I'll just go to the kitchen and bake some midnight snacks. You can turn on the TV if you want" as I left embarrassed. While baking some cookies Luu appeared.

"So~" she said teasing me.

"I had enough teasing" as I put the tray into the oven. After 30 minutes, I pulled my phone out and saw Nathaniel waved at me.

Hey there Nathaniel, I replied.

Your still awake?, he replied.

Well yeah, oops I forgot the cookies. See you tomorrow, I replied and saw Mari looking at me.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"It was nobody" I replied. I tried to distract her by getting the cookies out in the oven. I returned to the living room and gave them cookies. I saw Mari whispering to Alya.

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