Candy Apple

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Luka's POV

So Ladybug and Chat Noir has a new partner. She kinda reminds me of Hope

I went to school with Juleka and Rose. While walking we saw Hope leaving her house.

"Hey Hope" I greeted her.

"Hey Luka same to you Juleka and Rose" she said

"So you live here with your family?" Rose said as she mesmerized the huge mansion. It was as big as the Agreste Mansion.

"Actually I live here alone" she said.

"Where are your parents?" I asked her. Living alone seems sad, no person can bare it.

"They died years ago. I live alone here" she said smiling. I saw her smile but I can't tell if that smile was real or fake. We all went to school filled with silence.

"I heard your gonna join the Battle of the Band" as Hope tries to break the silence.

"Can you believe it. If we won the competition we would have our first concert with Jagged Stone" Rose said with excitement. Hope giggled and said, "May the best band win" as she reached her hand to Rose. Rose gladly accepted by took her hand.

"Wait you mean you have a band?" Juleka asked. Hope seems surprised.

"Shoot, you got me. I told them to keep it a secret but me myself told you" as she shrugged it off.

"Let's just keep it our secret for now" she said and went to their classroom.

Hope's POV

I'm a bummer, I told them not to tell the others.

I saw Lila waving her hand at me. I waved my hand back as I sat beside her. She's annoying heck

"Let's drop the act Lila" I said annoyed.

"So your not stupid like the others huh" she smirked.

"Stupid? For your information I knew you were a liar when we first met" I said trying to intimidate her.

"If it's a war you want, I'll gladly take you on" she said.

"I don't start wars, I end them" I said as Ms. Bustier entered the classroom.

Lila's POV

Ughh, first I had to deal with Marinette and now her. She chose the wrong person to fight

After the class I followed her to the restroom. I used one of my acts and left the restroom crying

"What's wrong Lila?" Alya asked worriedly.

"Hope tried to hurt me" I lied crying. After a while she left the restroom and saw me crying.

"Hope what gives?" Alya said to her angrily.

"Nice one Lila" as she smirked at me. She's really annoying me

"So she told you I hurt her" she said to Alya.

"For your information I would never stood up to her level. If you may, I would like to get my bag at the classroom" and left. Alya was looking confused as she helped me stand up. I grabbed my bag and saw a note.

Nice acting there, remember treat me like a game and I'll show you how it's played. Have a nice day

-Your Worst Nightmare

I went to the park angrily. Gabriel went there with his car.

"I hope you're doing your job properly" he said.

"I am sir, but there's another bad influence around your son" I said.

"And who is this person?" he asked.

"Her name is Hope Alvarez, she's the new student at class" I replied. Gabriel seems to know her. Afterwards so I went home when I saw Hope with another guy. He was wearing a Jagged Stone shirt and has a guitar on his back. This is interesting

Luka's POV

I went to the park with Hope and bought a candy apple.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" she asked me while eating the candy apple. I played my guitar using the melody inside her heart. Her eyes widened.

"Stop it" she said so I stopped playing.

"I don't wanna hear that music again" she said with disgust.

"You have a terrible memories, don't you?" I asked her.

"I don't live in the past anymore" she said.

"But you're still stuck in the past" I replied. As soon as she heard that tears started falling from her eyes.

"I can't help it" as tries to smile while crying. Her past seems that terrible. Her tears and melodies tells her how broken she is. I let her lean on me and hugged her.

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