Silence in the Library (3)

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"I'm sorry I'm not who you want me to be," Poppy fiddles with her necklace

"You're not wearing it," Poppy looked to River in confusion "The TARDIS key, you always have it around your neck, no matter what,"

"Oh, he hasn't given me one yet. He said he would ages ago but..." Poppy turns to The Doctor, who was looking at her yet again. They keep eye contact until more books shoot off the shelves.

"What's causing that? Is it the little girl?" River asks as Poppy walks over to The Doctor, sitting on the same small bookshelves he was.

"But who is the little girl? What's she got to do with this place? How does the data core work? What's the principle? What's Cal?"

"Ask Mister Lux," River replies rather bitterly.

"Cal, what is it?" The Doctor turns to Lux

"Sorry, you didn't sign your personal experience contracts," He looks between The Doctor and his companions

"Oh grow up. You act like my boss," Poppy rolls her eyes. The Doctor jumps down, accidently hitting Poppy in her knee

"Oh, sorry sweetheart," Poppy's eyes widen at the nickname, River smiles slightly and The Doctor takes no notice as he stands in front of Lux "Mister Lux. Right now, you're in more danger than you've ever been in your whole life. And you're protecting a patent?"

"I'm protecting my family's pride,"

"Well, funny thing, Mister Lux. I don't want to see everyone in this room dead because some idiot thinks his pride is more important,"

"Then why don't you sign his contract?" The Doctor looks to River "I didn't either. I'm getting worse than you two," she nods her head to Poppy dangling her legs on the bookcase.

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's start at the beginning. What happened here? On the actual day, a hundred years ago, what physically happened?"

"There was a message from the Library. Just one. The lights are going out. Then the computer sealed the planet, and there was nothing for a hundred years," River starts

"It's taken three generations of my family just to decode the seals and get back in,"

"Er, excuse me?" Evangelista tries to tell them about the door she saw slide open

"Not just now," Lux shuts her down.

"There was one other thing in the last message," River goes to get something out of her backpack

"That's confidential,"

"I trust this man and that woman," she points to Poppy who jumps down to read what she's showing them "with my life, with everything,"

"You've only just met them."

"No, they've only just met me. Well, he has," So Poppy did know her before her memories went. Who was she? "This is a data extract that came with the message,"

"Four thousand and twenty-two saved. No survivors," The Doctor reads out

"Four thousand and twenty-two. That's the exact number of people who were in the library when the planet was sealed,"

"But how can four thousand and twenty-two people have been saved if there were no survivors?"

"It's making my brain hurt," Poppy complained "or it could be buried memories trying to break out. who knows these days?"

"That's what we're here to find out, what happened to them. Not about your headaches" River jokes

"How did you know I was going to say that?"

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