Chapter 6(FINALLY!!!!)

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As soon as we hop back into the van, I fall into a deep sleep, right in Harry's arms. I am too tired to thank the boys, to say another word in hopes that everything was going to stay this way forever.

When I wake, we are still in the van, and I am the only one besides Louis who is awake. I look up at Harry, whose mouth is slightly ajar and is leaking drool. "Ew.." I whisper to myself, wedging myself out of the way of his spit and trying not to wake him up.

Louis notices my movement in the rearview mirror. "Good evening, love, have a nice sleep?" He whispers with a crooked smile.

I smirk back at him and look at the peaceful, sleeping faces surrounding me. "When are we getting home?" I ask quietly as Niall sniffles and grunts in his sleep.

"We'll return within about a half-hour." Louis says distantly, staring at the pavement ahead. "Harry was scared to death when he saw you on the roof. I thought he might cry."

"Really? I thought only Niall cried." I said, staring at the back of Lou's head. He peered at me through the rearview again.

"No, Harry cries... sometimes." Louis mutters. "Like when he loses something or someone he loves." I check my mind for Harry's backround. His mother's divorce had to be what Louis was referring to.

"So do I," I mutter, and Louis knows what I mean. The bitterness in my voice is so evident and loud, the boys wake up.

"Holy hell, what time is it?" Niall asks, looking around.

"Hey! You're awake!" Liam says, poking my thigh. My legs were stretched out across his lap and Zayn's.

I nod, biting my lip. Harry stares down at me, his eyes burning into mine. "Don't bite your lip, love. It might give you a cold sore."

I glare up at him. "Like the stress won't?" I get off of him, sitting on the floor. I play with Niall's green converse, trying to distract myself.

"Louis, can we stop for food? I'm about ready to eat Ciara," Niall calls, winking at me.

"We'll have food once we get to our flat." Lou replies, turning a sharp corner that jerks me between Harry's legs.

"PDA!" Screams Niall, attempting to shove himself behind Liam for protection.

I realize what happened, and I yank myself away from Harry. Harry's smirk is visible, even in the low lighting of the van. His smirk makes something deep inside me snap, like a twig under a car tire.

"SHUT UP!" I roar, my face reddening in anger. "Just, shut up! I can't take this anymore! You guys baby me like crazy, and you killed my sister! Now I have to live with the guilt that it was my fault that you assholes broke in, my fault she died, my fault I'm here, my fault that I'm... I'm..." I can't go on anymore, tears spilling down my cheeks, my voice cracking.

Harry's voice was blunt. "Your fault for what?"

I stare at him, my voice quiet and low. "You don't understand, do you?" I hiss. "None of you do." I can't deal with this. I grab my jacket off the floor and grab the van's sidedoor.

"Ciara, don't-" Zayn yelps, and everyone lunges forward to grab me. I smile, open the door, and jump.

I roll into a ditch, and I quickly stand, dust myself off and begin running. I hear their voices, their cries for me to return. I ignore them, but I collapse on the ground after thirty meters. I can't run from them. They're all I have left. I fall to my knees and let a sob escape my mouth. I curl into a ball, bawling.

They find me. Zayn is first, and he rolls me over, checking if I'm okay. They all come running after, except for Harry. He lingers around the others, his cold gaze making me bawl harder. "What did I do wrong?" I whisper loudly.

Zayn stares at me. "You did nothing wrong, Ciara."

I nod slowly. "Yes I did." I grab Zayn and hug him so close, I'm pretty sure I slam his face into the grass.

************* 20 Minutes Later*************

We arrive at Lou's flat, and I am the first on through the doors. I note that everything is different, now that Suzaine is dead and gone. I need some music to listen to, and I'd left my iPod at my house beforehand. Liam sings me a lullaby as I lie on the guest bed, crying still.

When Liam leaves, he shuts the light off and closes my door.

Two minutes later, however, Harry opens the door. "You still up, love?" He murmurs, shuffling in and closing the door behind him.

I turn over in my bed, staring at the wall opposite of Harry. "I'll take that as a yes." He mutters, walking up to my bed and sitting near the end. After a few minutes of silence, I speak up.

"What do you want?" I ask, my eyes welling with tears again.

"I wanted to apologize-"

"Apologize for what? All the pain you've caused me? All the tears I've shed because of you?" I snap at him, cutting his words away. "Ever since I met you, it's been trouble after trouble."

I turn over to look at him, and I realize he's looking straight at me. "Well then maybe we shouldn't talk anymore."

My tears begin to spill over the already tear-soaked pillow. "Harry, y-you know I-I... just can't... can't take that r-right now..." I murmur. Harry turns to look at his feet.

"I know. But I think you'd be better off." He says softly. "Without... this." His finger motions between us two.

"I didn't think it was that way," I say in a small, innocent voice.

Harry chuckles, shaking his head. "It would've ended badly anyway, Ciara."

"It already ended badly," I say with a cold tone.

"Ciara, you need to let go."

"How can I let go when I'm used to being with her every two seconds, Harry?" My voice cracks, and I let a sob exit my dry mouth.

Harry's hand reaches down to touch me, to comfort me, but he pulls back before he does. "I... don't know."

I sniff, and I pull a hand from under the covers to touch his. He glances down at my fingers touching his, but he makes no movements.

"Goodnight, Ciara." He says as he stands, his soft, warm fingers leaving mine.

"Goodnight, Harry." I whisper.

"I love you."

The words hit my heart like a bullet, and it races through my mind. 'I love you' is only something a family member ever says to me.

"I love you too." I say as the door clicks shut. I smile and close my eyes to sleep.


So how do you like them apples?

Nikki didn't write this chapter, I did, so that's why it's so long. Sorry for the super-long wait!


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