Volume 1 Chapter 3 New Friend

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Previously: It's Deku's first day of Middle school. And Aizawa's first day back to his job at UA high school. What's in store for Deku on his first day?

NOW: Deku is sitting in the back of the class, just minding his own business. But then someone gets pushed to the ground from the hallway to the classroom, it's purple haired boy with purple eyes that seem very tried. He's bleeding from his nose, and breathing heavily. Three kids laugh at him as they continuously beat him up. Deku sees this all happen and can't stand watching it anymore. So he stands up from sitting at his desk and screams,"STOP HURTING HIM!!" They look up at the Green haired boy with green eyes and laugh at him,"What are you going to do about it Nerd!" *Laughing at his appearance* 
The purple haired kid is all beat up and bleeding from his nose and head. Deku walks up to the three kids,"I'm might not look like much but I am stronger than you think." They all look at him and then each other and just laugh. Deku really doesn't want to use his quirk but at this point he has no choice. He punches all of them in the gut knocking them out in the process and taking their quirks away, the quirks they haven't discovered yet. He picks up the purple haired kid and helps him to the nurses office. Deku,"Don't worry I got you, hold in there." He carries the boy to the nurse and tells her what happened. Fortunately he has a healing quirk, so he will be just fine. Deku stays in the nurses room to make sure that the kid is going to be okay.

Few minutes later: Deku sees the purple haired kid walk out of the healing area in the nurses room. Deku is sitting in a chair right next to the door. The purple haired kid sees that Deku waited for him. " You are still here?" Deku looks up and sees the purple haired kid. "Oh hey what's up, are you okay now?" *He says that concerned for the purple haired kid* "I'm okay now thank you for helping me out there. What's your name? I'm Shino." "Nice to meet you Shino I'm Deku."
*They both smile genuinely*  "Deku huh that's a interesting name to have." "Do you really think so? Oh yeah, do you want to be my friend?"
Deku smiles and holds out his hand for a handshake. Shino,"Why not! Sure I'll be your friend!" He shakes Deku's hand in agreement. Then they head back to class, only to run into the principal. They got yelled at and their parents got called, because of the fight. Which means Mr. Aizawa gets called off work to go pick up his son from school.

Few hours later, Mr. Aizawa arrives at the school confused about how his son could be in trouble, Deku is a good kid and behaves at home. Shino and Deku are sitting in the principal's office waiting for their parents to arrive. The door opens and Mr. Aizawa is standing there with Shino's parent. The principal tells them to come in so they can all talk. The principal didn't look at the parents until Shino said,"Is that the Pro HERO ERASERHEAD!!" The principal looked back really quick in shock. "Sir why are you doing here?" (Principal)  "Isn't it obvious he's my dad?! Hey Dad how was work?" (Deku) The principal's jaw drops in shock. So does Shino and his parent.   Aizawa,"What did my son do to get in trouble?" *He says as he glares at the principal in annoyance* The principal cant speak, he is speechless. He thought he could get away with expelling the two brats and get revenge for hitting his son in the gut, but now there is a pro hero in the mix. Deku says very calmly to his father with no fear in his voice,"Well you see My new friend Shino was being beat up and I told the bullies to stop but they all laughed at me. It didn't effect me because they laughed at me, but because they were enjoyed hurting others. So I punched the three guys in the guts knocking them out so I could get Shino to the nurse. Since there was no way out of that situation. I had to knock them out. He was bleeding pretty serious so I was worried about my classmate. If I didn't step in, he could've died. And on top of that one of the kids are the principal's son. So that's why he brought us in here. He wants revenge, all of this was obvious when both of us students are in here. Shino was the victim, and I was the one who punched them. So if the principal didn't know the three kids then I only would of gotten in trouble, but the both of us are... Isn't that really suspicious. Don't you think dad?" Deku looked at his dad then the principal to wait for a answer.
Aizawa's inner thoughts," Wow that's great that my son figured all of that out in a matter of minutes. And if he's actually right about the principal, then we have a serious problem here. He's acting calm in the situation too, Deku is going to do great in High school for sure. He even made a new friend in the process of saving someone. I don't think he actually did something wrong. This principal is actually trying to abuse his power. I hate people like this, what do I do now. I'll try play the Pro hero card, and look cool in the process. Here I go." Aizawa looks at the Principal with a serious glare and says in a very serious tone of voice,"What did my son do that caused me to stop saving people's lives and come here? Huh Mr. Principal?" The principal starts panicking because a pro hero is the son of this green haired boy. If he finds out that he was going to abuse his power he would go to jail... Deku,"What's up Mr. Principal you are oddly quiet?"
Shino activates his quirk," Hey principal how about you tell us why we are really here?!" The quirk forces out the truth from Feb principal. He just starts confessing out of nowhere. Deku and Mr. Aizawa figure it out instantly and look at Shino. Shino shrugs and smirks. Deku and Aizawa say internally,"He just used his quirk on the principal! But what is his quirk??!"
The principal admitted to trying to abuse his power and expelled both of the kids. And to avenge his sons pride. Mr. Aizawa looks over at his son and smiles with a proud look. Inner thoughts,"My son is truly amazing, and I'm proud to call him my son." Shino activates his quirk again and says,"That's enough you can stop now." The principal awakes from the trance and says that he didn't know what just happened. Mr. Aizawa looks over to Shino and Deku and nods in approval. " You just admitted to treason as a teacher, so I'm taking you in to the police. Now stand up and put your hands up." The principal looks very confused, he doesn't remember telling them anything... He gets out of his chair and grabs Deku as a hostage. Shino and Mr. Aizawa," Deku!" Deku smiles at his dad and Shino and says," Don't worry." Deku uses one of his quirks he got from the three kids. The quirks he got weren't that strong but that's because he hasn't mastered them yet. 1: Glue liquid that can trap people. 2: Purple Fire quirk. 3: Quick movements quirk. Deku,"Principal you don't want to do this. How about you calm down.."
"CALM DOWN, YOU ARE THE REASON WHY IM IN THIS MESS!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!!"     "Dad now!" Deku yells at Aizawa. Aizawa looks at the principal and uses his quirk. Stopping the principal from using his purple fire quirk. Deku uses the movement quirk and kicks the principal knee, causing him to get off balance. As the principal falls backwards deku grabs the principal's arm and twists it. And holds him in place while hes on his knees, with his arms behind his back. And Deku uses his quirk of liquid glue to keep his hands together behind his back. Then helps him up to his feet and smiles at his dad proudly."I think he's a lot more calmer now, good job everyone!" Shino,"Deku you are so cool!" Aizawa," son good job, now let's go turn him in and then go home. Deku tells the principal to follow the pro hero Eraserhead. As the principal is following Aizawa and Deku is behind them. Shino tells his parent that he will see them at home and that he's going to go with Deku. On their way to the police station Deku and Shino talk. Shino,"So Deku what's your quirk, you were so cool back there!" He says curiously. Deku," It's very complicated and uncomfortable to talk about in the public." He says nervously and uncomfortably. Shino," Oh I'm sorry, you can tell me later when you want to tell me. I guess you are going to ask me what my quirk is huh?"   Deku," If you don't want to tell me then don't. I understand as well."
"You are so nice Deku thanks, I guess we will tell each other our quirks some other time then."

To be continued...

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