Volume 2 Chapter 3 Overpowered

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It's been a few hours and Deku has been healed up. And has finally woken up just before the 3rd round starts. "Dad is that you?" Deku opes his eyes and see's his father crying over him. And looks over to the other side with Todoroki sitting next to the bed and looking at him. "Son you are awake finally, thank God. You really need to stop pushing yourself too hard. You made it clear Today that you are strong." Deku smiles at his dad and at Shoto Todoroki. "I Know dad but I haven't won yet, I'm determined to fall through on my promise to myself and to Kacchan." Aizawa and Todoroki talk to Deku for a little bit longer and then Deku gets out of the bed to go get ready for the 3rd round. Before that happens Todoroki follows him and says,"Hey Deku I just wanted to let you know that I will be using my fire quirk with pride for now on. And I wanted to ask you something." Deku turns around to look at Shoto to hear his question. "Yes?"      "I was wondering if we can be friends?"
Deku smiles at him and says,"Sure why not Shoto!" They both smile and then Deku heads to the tunnel to go and fight in the 3rd round.

The two contestants walk out to the center stage. Present mic announces that the two contestants for round 3 is Tenya Iida and Deku Aizawa. Mr. Aizawa is back with present mic and is a annoucer.
Tenya Iida looks terrified because last time he went against Deku he got in a head lock. He's very worried as because he saw both the matches between Deku and two other students. Deku is still tired so he's not going to use his overpowered quirks but he's going to use only one quirk explosion. He knows that Tenya Iida is scared of him, so he's going to use that to his advantage.

3-2-1 GO!

Deku just stands there smiling at Tenya like a psychopath. "STOP SMILING AT ME LIKE THAT!!" Tenya dashes towards Deku at full power. And used reciprocal boost and Deku dodges every single attack that Iida did. Then Deku grabbed Iida's foot mid attack and dragged him behind his back. And walked over to the line and explode throwed Iida out of bounds. The match lasted 5mins. "You never had a chance against me and you never will." Deku smiled and walked back towards the center. Tenya just looked over at Deku and gritted his teeth in hate. Everyone grasped at how cruel Deku was to Iida but he could've of been more harsh. Deku was going easy on his classmate.
A suspicious amount of dark figures were watching the sports festival and they were very pleased at what they were seeing.
Next round was the last one of the sports festival. Deku is going against another one of his classmates. Almost everyone is hating Deku at this point. The whole stadium is against him winning at this point in time. Next he's going against Kirishima the last fight of the day.

Kirishima VS Deku:
"I heard that you are really tough, but I don't buy it. Deku I'm going to crush you." Deku looks at kirishima already using his quirk before the round began. "Don't make me laugh kirishima. Prove it to me in actions not words." Deku says grinning like a psychopath and chuckling. He gestured at him to come at him.
3-2-1 GO! kirishima dashes towards Deku his his quirk still activated. "How foolish Kirishima, you know how quirks work right?" Kirishima looked at him confused. Deku facepalms as kirishima is attacking him. Mid attack Deku takes the attack but he doesn't get effected and just stands there. "Tsk tsk tsk... What a shame... I felt nothing behind that attack." Kirishima takes a step back in fear of his opponent. "WHAT ARE YOU DEKU!!!" He's in terror as he see's Deku standing there not even fazed about the attack he just gave him. "What am I? I'm just a kid wanting to be a hero like everyone else." Deku starts walking calmly towards kirishima with a evil grin. Kirishima runs at Deku to try and attack him but Deku dodges every single one attempt of his punches. "You are too slow. You should work on your endurance and speed with your quirk." Deku smiles genuinely as kirishima is trying to land a hit on Deku. "STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!" Everyone thinks Deku is making fun of them but he's genuinely trying to give them advice. But since he looks like his old Man and his expressions look weird, everyone thinks he's a bad guy. But if they tried to get to know him, he's a big softy. Deku tries to tell kirishima that's he wrong about him, but it was too late. The crowd start throwing things at him causing him to get off balance. The whole stadium except those few who care about him are against Deku. The whole world is against him, he's a bad guy in their eyes. It's too late for Deku to justify his actions. Deku tries to talk to Kirishima and apologize for the misunderstanding but he wouldn't listen. Kirishima punched Deku finally as he gets off balance. Deku gets punched till his face bleeds, kirishima spits on him with disrespect. Deku looks up at the people's expressions, and asks himself, "what did I do wrong?"
Deku kicks kirishima's leg causing him to fall down and so Deku can get back up to his feet. He can't speak because his face is so bruised that his jaw got dislocated. Deku screams internally as he pops it back in place. He can finally speak but he chooses not too. He looks up at All Might and his friend Shinso and sees them heartbroken that everyone is turning against him. Deku looks up at his dad and present mic in shock that everyone in the stadium is hating him so much. Deku looks down at kirishima shaking fear. Deku finally looks down at his hands, time has slowed down and the screams have gotten silent. He's seeing everything slow down, he see's the whole world turn against him for just being himself. He looks down at his Bloody and scared up hands. He starts to cry blood, his eyes are messed up so badly that he's crying blood. His friends are quiet and his classmates hate him fully. The principal is looking away from him with disappointment. No one will look at him, except his father and his true friends. Shoto Todoroki, Shinso and Aizawa. He failed his Best Friend's wish. He promised he would be a hero for Kacchan but now he knows he can't be anything he promised. Deku clicked back to real time and looks at Kirishima and picks him up by the collar and drags him to the out of bounds line. The stadium goes quiet for a second and then 3 seconds later hateful things are being said. Deku doesn't feel like a winner, he feels like a Monster. The medical unit just ignores Deku and goes to get Kirishima instead. They announce the winners and Deku gets 1st place. After the medals were given out, Deku, Shinso, and Todoroki all go walk out of the festival to a quiet place to talk. They three are friends and the only friends he probably will have ever again. Deku used his quick regeneration quirk as soon as they got of the festival area. As they are walking out of the festival, people are spitting on Deku and cursing at him with so much hate.
To be continued...

(Discontinued) BROKEN CHILDRENحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن