Volume 2 Chapter 7 Face Reveal

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Previously Deku's 3 loved ones got kidnapped for real and he's going to go get them back, by force if he has to.

Deku arrives at the said location, It's in a isolated place from where anyone normal would live. Only shady people and villians stay in this area. Deku knocks on the door and it opens up and he sees some familiar faces and some he doesn't recognize. It's a villan hideout based in a Bar. Specifically it's the league of villians hideout. Deku puts his calm face on and activates all of his defensive quirks, just in case. "Hello there fellow villians I'm the Infamous Villian Deku. I'm here to get my friends back."  As Deku says that his red eyes glow and his vampire quirks react to his feelings so his fangs come out. And his sharp teeth start to form. His skin starts to go thick and his out fit gets covered in black dragon scale like armor, with sharp spikes on the shoulders. The armor starts to cover his whole body except his face. The villians in the room get consumed with fear seeing this human transform into some kind of monster. They all take a step backwards in fear. Except one villian with a stiched up face and with severe burns all over his body. He gestures to Deku to come follow him. Deku followed him down a hallway and he started to speak to Deku with no hesitation,"So Deku I just wanted to tell you that I'm Shoto's brother Dabi and I'm on your side. I'll join you after everything happens, they hurt my brother and I can never forgive them." Deku believes him,"I understand, I won't Slaughter you after I save my friends. You can join us once I take care of this bastard that took them." They both enter the room where a man is sitting in a chair waiting for Deku, and there is tubes and wires sticking out of the back of the Old man. "Ah Deku you are here... I was waiting for you." The Old man's voice is chilling and very deep. Deku doesn't flinch but Dabi does but just a little. "What do you want old man?!" Deku says very calmly. The old man chuckles evily at Deku's remarks. "What do I want? I just wanted to see you Izuku Mydoria my son." Deku hears his full name he used to go by and he gets scared and gets a shiver up his spine. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!!" Dabi walks back to the main room, having a feeling that shit is about to go down. "I gave you that name when you were born Izuku Mydoria. You are my son, and you were told I died in a fire but they were wrong." Deku falls to his knees in shock... He has a quirk to sense if someone is telling the truth and he's not lying. "There's no way... There's just no way...You aren't lying but you must be some how." The old man gets up and walks over to Deku that's on his knees and puts his hand in his head showing him all the memories that he has with his son before he almost died by a heros hand. Deku saw all the memories of his mom and dad looking at him when he was a toddler. And how his mother died and how his father ended up like this. All Might killed his mother and almost killed his father, and did this to his body. Deku had evil in his blood, he was meant to be a villan ever since he was born. Deku started crying tears of blood yet again. "Dad? Is that really you..."
"Yes son it's me.... I'm sorry you found out about me like this. I'm sorry I kidnapped your friends. Are you still going to kill me or are you going to let me live?"
Deku wiped the blood from his eyes and stands up to look his dad in the eyes that he seems to not have. "Dad I won't kill you but I won't join you either, but I will become my own type of villian. I'm going to make my own group of villians. Your Shigaraki student hurt someone I cared about and I just can't be in your league of villians. And if you try and stop me you know what would happen." Deku smiles genuinely and then has his Dad to release his 3 loved ones. One For All looks at his son with evil proud look. "I understand son, if you want to come by and talk, just come by anytime you want. Okay here you go take your 3 loved ones and have a great Villian day." He released the 3 hostages and sees Deku walk away from him but, also See's his son take over the family business. Dabi, Deku, Shoto, Shinso and Aizawa walk out of the hideout alive and happy. Shigaraki almost tries and stops them but then One For All tells him to stop and let his son go on his way. The villians hear that and go into shock yet again.

To be continued...

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