Volume 2 Chapter 5 WANTED

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Previously Deku got away just barely from the two pro hero's All Might and eraserhead, sadly his two best friends were rescued by the heros so he's all alone now. But it's for the best, Deku is on the run and is wanted all over the world. You might be wondering to yourself what did Deku do to piss off the whole world, being too powerful. How could that be a good reason to hate him. People fear others that they don't understand, and quite frankly not many people understand him. Deku rejected the league of villians request to join only because they hurt his father Shota Aizawa. He is creating his very own group of villians but of true power and no silly ideals. Deku has white hair now and a few months have passed since the incident at the sports festival. He's been very busy taking quirks from thugs. His two best friends hang out with him on the weekend and tell him about what happens at school. And how his father is doing as well. Shinso has also given Deku his hero costume for other means, now that he's wanted by the pro hero's. Shoto is using his fire quirk now. Shinso is much more powerful than before. Deku trains with them every other weekend. They both promised him they would carry on the will of his dream to be a hero. Deku Thanks them for being his only best friends. That was a few weeks ago.

NOW: Deku is on the tallest building in the city just looking down at the beautiful lights at night in the city of Japan. He wonders to himself every time he goes up there,"What happened to me." Deku has white hair and red eyes that cry blood. And he took a vampire quirk from a thug a few weeks back. So now he's a living, breathing, monster. He can Sprint up walls like a vampire in comic books. He can suck blood from People just to get energy. He has so many quirks that he could be a living god. Or the Devil ruling over the surface. He promised to Kacchan all those years ago that he would be a hero... But he failed him and everyone else in his life. He is too powerful for any foe he goes against. He just wants to stop running and relax for once. His one wish in his life was to be a hero and with all his power he has, he still Can't make it come true. But it's okay he will end all the pain very soon. As soon as he says hi to someone he hasn't seen in a while.

The next day: Deku is standing right outside of UA high school. For anyone else it would be suicide but for Deku it's child's play. The wall isn't that tall, and there is a very high security surounding the school. But the one flaw is that Deku has a badge to get in still. Deku walks right up to the gate and slides his card in the scanner and walks through the gate like it's nothing. The camera scanned his face and triggered the silent alarm. Deku walked into the school with no fear, he walked down the hallway smiling like a psychopath. His eyes are glowing red, his hair is swaying as he walked. His outfit is his hero costume but has multiple pockets to hold knifes and other things. The students pro hero's that were teaching them all poke their heads out, just to see the infamous Villian Deku roaming the halls. And coming their way, the pro hero's lock the doors and hide in fear in their classrooms. Deku just smiles proudly. And walks even closer to Class 1-A, he's almost there when a few pro hero's appear in his way. Fortunately those pro's have no match for Deku. He got a ice quirk not to long ago and he froze them in place. And walked past them reaching the Class 1-A. He froze the door that was locked and then shattered it with his diamond body quirk. Causing the door to shatter into dust its self. As Soon as he destroyed the door he saw the whole class cowering in fear except his two best friends and his Father Shota Aizawa. Deku smiles genuinely at the sight of his friends and his Dad. "How rude of me to break your door. My apologies for breaking and entering." The students are angry but too terrified to do anything against him. His dad starts cry but then Shinso and Todoroki get up from their seats and walk over towards their teacher and smile at Aizawa. Aizawa stops crying and looks at Deku very seriously,"Why are you here villian!"
"Me? Well i-i-im here to take you by force of course, and kidnap you." Deku grins sadistically and then teleports behind Aizawa and his two friends and grabs them and then teleports away to the tallest building in the city. The place were he lives basically. Leaving the kids in the class 1-A dumbfounded and clueless.

Back to the tallest building in the city: Deku teleported their and sets the 3 people down slowly and then falls on his ass in exhaustment. "Phew that was really exhausting you know. Ughhh my whole body is going to feel awful tomorrow. I'm not use to teleporting so far of a distance." Deku says that sitting down and breathing heavily. Shoto and Shinso almost throw up after getting teleported by Deku. Aizawa passes out after being teleported by his son. He passed out because of the after effects of the quirk and because of shock of seeing his son.  Deku crawls over to his father's passed out body and heals him and wakes him up with a healing quirk and a negative effect removing quirk. (It takes energy from the host and heals the person they choose to heal. And the negative effect removing quirk, gives the host all the effects and makes the victim better. It helps the victim and hurts Deku.) But Deku just uses his regeneration quirk and it negates all the bad effects. Deku crawls back over to where he was sitting in the first place, and waits for his friends and father to recover.

Meanwhile back at the school: The whole school freaks out that their students and teachers aren't safe from the monster called Deku. Luckily no one was injured, and now every pro hero is out looking for Deku and his 3 hostages, even the #1hero All Might.

Back to the tallest building in the city: Deku is relaxing as his 3 hostages start to click back to reality. Shoto was the first one to talk to Deku," Where are we? Why did you take us during class?" Deku smiles genuinely at the 3 of them finally realizing what just happened. Before Deku got to speak his father interupted him,"Why now? Why would you show up now?!" Shinso,"Dude I missed you! How's it going!?"
Deku smiled at them all and then got up to his feet and walked over to the ledge and faced away from them as he spoke," I brought you all here because I wanted to say my true feelings before I kill myself. I didn't want anyone to hear me say emotional things." Deku starts to cry blood," I love you all so very much. I will always love you from the bottom of my heart. You know that I'm not evil, but I don't know if that's true anymore. I'm a monster with scary strength in my hands. I have a very scary and powerful quirk. I can steal people's quirks and use them for my own gain. I don't want to hurt anyone else that's a good person, just to be free. I can't handle the pain anymore, I have to end it all. So this is my final goodbye to you all." Deku says all of that crying blood and getting closer to the edge. "IM SORRY!" Deku takes a step forward off the edge, causing him to fall forward, he held his arms out like he was going to fly.

Before he stepped off the edge his 3 loved ones heard everything he just told them and they were in shock they couldn't move to stop him. And when they could move it was too late he was already falling off the building. Shoto, Shinso and Aizawa dash to the edge looking down seeing him falling straight down halfway from hitting the pavement. They all scream his name and cry with deep regret.

To be continued

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