Volume 2 Chapter 2 Front Runner

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Next Shinso vs Deku:
"Hey buddy how's it going?" Deku smiles at his friend trying to get him to speak. Deku uses his 2 quirks explosion and movement enhancement quirk. He rushes over to Shinso trying to explode away out of the ring. Shinso dodges it and grabs Deku's wrist and throws him over his head. Deku stops mod air using his quirk explosion. He exerts
Small explosions to stop him from hitting the out of bounds line. And basically hovers right next to the line. He smirks devilishly at his friend and sets a huge explosion behind him. Sending him flying towards Shinso. Shinso sees this and braces for the hard impact. He somehow survives the force and power behind Deku's blast and holds Deku's fist. He got pushed back a little by the heavy impact of force. He's struggling to push back Deku's power in his fist. Deku tries to kick him in the knees to get him to flinch for a second. It fails and Shinso knees Deku in the gut  before he could do anything. Deku falls back coughing up spit. Shinso,"Come on Deku USE YOUR FULL POWER!!!"
everyone in the world is watching the two of them fighting each other with such strength. No one thought that the two could be so strong, because how they look. Deku gets back up to his feet and brushes off the dust off his shoulders and knees. He smiles and chuckles at his friend finally getting to his true potential. Deku has been holding back, just for the sake of what his father told him not to do. If he goes all out then he might accidentally kill his friend. Deku even scares himself sometimes, with how much power he has to his disposal. Deku uses his new quirk he calls inhumane speed. He also uses his Explosion quirk. He streaches and gets on the ground and positions himself like a dog on all fours. He grins sadistically and pushes off the ground, the force of his power Crushes the ground and makes it dust and rubble. He's mid air and about to smash Shinso away and out of bounds. Cementos sees this and tries to use his quirk to stop him but it's too late. Shinso sees Deku is coming full power at him and he braces for the impact, knowing that it's going to hurt alot. But he did ask for it, so he takes it proudly. Deku hits Shinso with a direct hit causing him to fly backwards into the fall behind him and crush the concrete around where Deku hit Shinso and where he landed. Shinso hit the wall and then fell down to the ground unconscious. If Shinso didn't have his new quirk he would be dead. Deku falls to the ground in shock, he didn't know he was that Powerful and scary. He laying on the ground unable to move, he's bleeding from his hand and fist. His body is purely exhausted from over exerting himself. He passes out after Present mic announced that he won the first match. The medical field picked up both of the boys and brought them to the healing area. Deku was out of commission for a few hours.

Few hours later Round two:

Deku vs Shoto Todoroki: Everyone in the crowd are mumbling to themselves about what's going to happen. Especially what happened to Deku when he went against Shinso. All Might is very scared of what's to come on the upcoming fight. Aizawa looks very calm on the outside but in the inside he's freaking out and proud at the same time. He knows that it's not going to end well, Todoroki and Deku are the most powerful students in Class 1-A. Everyone is on edge watching this match for sure.

"Hey Shoto Todoroki let's do this eh? I'm so glad I can talk freely now. Going against my friend last round was a pain I couldn't speak."
"Whatever, I'm going to crush you with only one quirk." They both grit their teeth and use their quirks.
Shoto uses his ice quirk, he make a huge wall to run on to get to Deku. Deku sees this and blasts himself upwards to get on shoto's ice walkway. "I'm just dropping in to say hey!" Deku laughs a little at his joke. "SHUT UP YOU COCKY BASTARD!!" Shoto freezes Deku in place on his ice wall. Deku sees Shoto do this and he lets him capture him. "WOW that's very cold of you." Deku smirks. Shoto,"it looks like you are stuck, which means I win." Smirks at Deku all cocky. "That's what you think huh Shoto." Deku heats up his palms with his quirk purple flames. And melts the ice around himself and under him. The whole wall of ice melts like ice cream on a sunny day. Deku drops to the ground and rolls forward so his legs don't get injured. Shoto falls and catches himself with his ice yet again. He doesn't look happy about Deku beating him. Shot shoots off big ice spikes directly at Deku trying to get him to dodge backward past the out of bounds line. Deku sees what Shoto is trying to do and smiles. "Are you really trying to out smart me Shoto? Haha that's really funny." Deku stops moving and takes a direct hit from multiple ice spikes to his body. He activated his quirk shock absorbtion before they hit, but it didn't work. His quirks stopped working... He looks down at his hands and starts getting blurry vision. He falls to his knees bleeding from his left arm, right side of his leg and his left eye got hit, so he can't see very well. Shoto sees what he just did to Deku and freaks out, he didn't think he wouldn't dodge the attack. The whole stadium gasps in fear of how injured deku is. But some how he's still moving. Even his father gets worried about him, but can't say anything because of him being a announcer. Deku suddenly gets back the ability to use his quirks and he struggles to get up on his feet, still bleeding. Shoto,"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF!!!"
Deku spits out blood and wipes his mouth. He starts walking weakly towards Shoto saying, "I'm doing it because I want to be able to save those whom I care about. I want to prove to the world that I'm not a villan, I'm not Evil, I'm a outcast, but I can still be a HERO!"  Deku rushes at Shoto and uses only the quirk explosion. He tries to blast Shoto in the chest to send him flying past the line. But unfortunately he failed yet again, Shoto grabs Deku's wrist and freezes it and his whole left side. Shoto was hoping that he would stop then and there but Deku is really stubborn. Deku uses his purple fire quirk and heats his whole body up, causing the ice and frost to melt. He doesn't use his regeneration quirk because he wants to be fair but the real reason is because he's used to many quirks at once, if he used regeneration it would be more painful than helpful. You see Deku has a limit to how much he can use his quirks. He knows he's close to his limit but he's too stubborn to give up now. He can only use so many quirks at the same time. Shoto scoffs in agrrivation that deku is risking his life to fight him. WhY!! Why are you doing this!" Deku smirks ,"I told you why, and you should be going all out against me... Everyone here is fighting with all their Strength but YOU!" Shoto grits his teeth and tells Deku to "SHUT UP!!" As he says that he gets memories of his mother and of his dad hurting him because of his left side his fire quirk. As he remembers everything that his mom said about his fire quirk. Deku punches him in gut with brute Force, his quirks are wearing him down so he's going to fight with is fists for a bit. Shoto goes flying and time slows down as he keeps remembering his mother. Shoto saves himself with his ice quirk and says to Deku,"IM GOING TO REJECT HIS QUIRK!!"      Deku gets angry at todoroki, the last straw was drawn. "ITS YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS!! GET THAT THROUGH YOU THICK SKULL!!" Deku punches Shoto and he spits up some blood from the punch. Then Shoto remembers everything that his mother said and said,"Your helping me? Your opponent. But I have to thank you Deku for that. I WILL FIGHT YOU WITH MY FULL POWER, HERE ILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANTED!" Shoto uses his two quirks at the same time and charges up to attack Deku head on. Deku used his explosion, shock absorbtion, and glue on his feet so he won't go past the line. He's doing this all at once for one last attack but he knows that there will be consequences after this match ends. The two pro hero's Cementos and midnight try to stop the two kids but it's too late for one fo them. Cementos puts up abundance of thick cement walls up to slow down the impact. And minimize the damages. The force of the two attacks completely obliterated the cement walls and made a cloud of steam afterwards the huge explosion of power. When the smoke dissipated it revealed Deku barely inches away from the line and Shoto Todoroki on the grass unconscious surrounded in his ice softening his impact against the wall. Deku barely won that battle, but he's severely injured after that attack so is Shoto Todoroki. Deku looked at his dad and gave him a thumbs up and then collapsed in a pool of blood coming out of him.
The whole stadium gasps in fear and shock. The lower half of the stadium was Ash and Destroyed. If it wasn't for cementos then people would've died from that impact. Mr. Aizawa looks at his son in a pool of blood and starts to cry inside. He wants to go be by his side but he can't choose favorites until his best friend Present mic said,"HOW ABOUT WE TAKE A HOUR BREAK TO REPAIR THE STADIUM AND GET REFRESHMENTS!" Present mic said that then looks at his best friend Aizawa Shota with a smile. Aizawa runs downstairs to go be by his sons side. The medical until get Deku and Shoto and Rush them to the healing area in haste. Deku is in a critical condition and Shoto is severely damaged but not as much as Deku. Deku is being healed by many hero's that have a healing quirk, Shoto as well. Aizawa is crying over his sons unconscious body,"Why did you do this to yourself again for someone's else's sake over your own!"
A few hours later the matches of the second round continue, and Shoto has woken up and is sitting next to Deku's bed with Mr. Aizawa. Mr. Aizawa tells Shoto about what happened to Deku as a child and how Shoto and Deku are more alike than they seem. Shoto hears from Deku's Dad everything he went through as a child and what happened all those years ago. Shoto respects Deku fully now, and decides when Deku wakes up that he will ask him to be his friend. Shoto Todoroki doesn't think less of Deku anymore, just the opposite he respects him as a peer and a friend.
And he wants to be a hero too, to be able to protect those who he will grow to love and care about in the future.

To be continued..

(Discontinued) BROKEN CHILDRENNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ