Volume 1 Chapter 10 Chaos

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Previously Deku, Aizawa, Shinso, and All Might made up and all get friendly. Some chaos happened in the school. And now Class 1-A is going to a natural disasters training course for saving people. But of course nothing goes as planned.

NOW: The class is at the training course and with two pro hero's. All Might was supposed to be there, but he's late. The two hero's are eraserhead and #13. 13 is going over what they will be doing in the training ground. There is all types of scenarios and zones in the big dome for disaster training. Then all of sudden something unex.pected happened. A purple smoke started to appear a good distance away from the students. A bunch of scary looking thugs step out of the portal. And a guy that had weird hands all over him and his skin was weirdly pale and his eyes were red, and his hair was blue and messy. His voice was very raspy and rough he started saying,"Hello there heros sorry to barge in here uninvited like this but we are here for All Might!? He's not here,*scratches intensly on his neck and wrists. Groans in agrrivation and look over at the students and grins* ... plans change, let's just kill those kids down there to set a example and draw him out with his dead students. Let the game begin."

The students except Shinso and Deku thought that the training was starting already. But little did they know what was to come.
Aizawa,"No students this is the real thing, those are real villians! Stay here with 13. 13 protect the students and prepare for a fight kids." Aizawa went down to go attack the thugs, before he went he looked at Deku like he was saying he loved him. Deku looked at his dad with a worried but a confident look at the same time. Deku,"Hey Shinso let's gather the strongest students here and go help. 13 tried to stop them but it was to late. Shinso, Deku, Shoto, and kirishima went to go help Mr. Aizawa but unfortunately the portal villian teleported between them and the rest of the students, separating them all. Now Shinso and Deku are the only ones left that got past the villian that teleported everyone away. Only a few are on the outside, and are trying to get a student by the teleporting villian. Shinso looks at Deku with worry." What do we do now Deku?"
Deku looks at Shinso and smiles,"We show these villians what we are made of." Shinso and Deku run towards Aizawa and the thugs he's fighting. Shino uses his new All For One quirk he got from All Might. And Deku is going to use his multiple quirks to go help his Dad. Shinso fights the thugs that try and attack Deku, while he fights the rest of the thugs trying to get to his father.
Back to Eraserhead, he's getting tried of fighting all the thugs, he's not meant to fight many enemies at once. Eraserhead sees his son getting closer with his friend Shinso. He's proud that his son is fighting to protect others. Unfortunately as soon as Aizawa defeats the thugs around him he goes over to the "End Boss" or what he thought. But unfortunately he was dead wrong. Deku saw the big monster about to kill his father so he uses his movement enhancement quirk and explosion quirk to get there just before he got hit.

Right before Aizawa gets hit: he is going against the pale skin, blue haired villain and his elbow gets destroyed but the villains quirk. Aizawa says,"Destroy the end boss and win the whole thing." Pale skin blue haired villian smiles evily and laughed at him." I'm not the End boss he is." Just before Aizawa gets hit by the big strong monster. Deku gets there right in time. He's mid air pushing his dad out of the way of the attack. And takes the full force of the attack, causing Deku to cough up blood. And fly 20 feet away and hit the ground really hard, causing him to roll continuously until he completely stopped. His nose started bleeding and a few of his ribs were broken. His legs and arms were bleeding from skidding on the concrete. But then Deku sees his father in pain and sees his shoulder is Destroyed and that gave him the strength to get up and fight the villains in front of him. "You BASTARDS!!! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!" The pale skin blue haired villian smiles evily at the black haired kid and laughs at him."You are going to make me pay? Don't make me laugh kid." Deku goes in psycho mode. He hasn't felt like this since his best friend died in front of him all those years ago. Deku gets up all bloody looking and spits blood out like it's nothing and walks towards the Two villains with no fear at all. The villian looks at the kid and smiles like a psychopath as well and sends the monster at him. "Really you are going to send a monster after me and not fight me yourself what a coward you are huh villian?!" Deku runs towards the monster and uses his quirk removal at Least that's what he calls it.
(Removal is when he removes people's quirks and replacement when he gives someone a quirk or the original person their quirk back.) He slides under the monster and goes behind him and touches his back and extracts all of the quirks it has. As Deku does that the monster reverts back to a human. He gets so many quirks that it takes a tolls on him. He falls to his knees exhausted, as he's on his knees tired he looks at the villian with Blue hair. He looks so upset that he's scratching his neck until it bleeds. He screams in iratation at Deku runs at Deku with every intention to kill him. Deku knows if he gets touched by him normally that he will instantly die. But he activates all his new quirks that are shock absorbtion and fast regeneration and a few others. Once he activates his fast regeneration quirk all his injuries heal up and he feels fully entergized. Deku gets up before the villian strikes him. And he grabs his wrist before he uses his quirk."You are too slow for me now villian." The villian smirks and suddenly he disappeared back over where he was before. The teleporting villian saved him at the last second. Deku couldn't take his quirk because he took to much for the day. The two villians disappear in the portal, running away like coward they are, that's what Deku thought to himself. As soon as they disappeared he ran over to his dad's side, and tried to help him up but Deku is too weak to even stand up anymore. Deku falls to his knees by his father's side. "Dad are you doing alright?!" 
Aizawa looks at his son wincing in pain and tries to speak but can't get the words out. He mouths the words,"I love you." Deku,"I love you too Dad don't worry I'm here for you, I returned the favor for you saving me from All Might the other day." Deku smiles genuinely and starts to cry as he looks at he father is in a lot of pain. Deku falls right next to his dad and lays right next to him.

Suddenly the door at the entrance slams open with All Might and the pro hero's arriving. All Might rushes over to where Deku and Aizawa are and sees them unable to move. They both say,"All Might" very weakly and with a slight desperation in their voices.
All Might picks them up and carries them over to the entrance. The other pro hero's help the other students. And the police detain all of the thugs and the almost lifeless body that the monster used to be.
All Might takes Aizawa,Deku, and Shinso to the nurse. Shinso was knocked out by exhaustion of over using his new quirk he's not use to using. The 4 of them will have a talk about the villains intentions very soon.
To be continued..

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