Volume 1 Chapter 4 Time Flies

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Previously: Deku, Shino and three kids get in a fight, the two who were victims get in trouble for no reason. Purely out of revenge, the principal gets arrested, Shino and Deku are friends now. And Mr. Aizawa and Deku went home proud of each other.
Now a few years have passed and Shino and Deku are best friends. They know each other's quirks, and secrets. And they are both going to the UA high Entrance exams. Which is in a few months. They are now Third years in Middle school, and they are both determined to get in the hero course. They both have changed in mood and looks. Deku is more like his father, tried looking all the time, says things as they are, sarcastic and can be scary when he wants too. He also has been training with his new quirks, purple fire, glue, movement enhancement, and Kacchan's explosion quirk.
Shino is moody looking but is a great guy when you get to know him. And much taller than before, can be scary when he wants to as well.

NOW: Deku and his dad are talking about the entrance exam. Aizawa tells Deku that he might be one of the judges so he will grade him like every other student. And that he needs to be very careful using his multiple quirks that he has. No one can find out that he can take quirks away. "So just use 2 quirks when people are looking okay, please be careful son, I love you." "I love you too Dad! Don't worry i think through things before I act, I am your son after all." *Smiles at his dad*
"That's good to hear, You are going to do great I believe in you."
After they talk for a few minutes, they go back to training for the rest of the weeks leading up to the entrance exam.

Day before the exam: Deku changed his looks. He has black hair. And that's about it.

Day of the exams: Deku is walking to the school with his dad. Eraserhead,"I like your new look, did you do that to look more like me or is this a new phase?...." *he chuckles a little* "How did you know!" *He laughs with his dad*
After cutting jokes with each other.
They arrive at the school and part ways to not look suspicious." I'll see you soon Mr. Aizawa." he says that in a way to make sure no one knows he's his father. "See you soon Deku." Deku walks in the school to the auditorium to get a seat early before everyone got there. Deku sees Shino and he go to sit next to him,"Hey Shino you're here early too huh.." Deku says as he looks at Shino his only best friend. "Oh hey what's up man it's been awhile huh...give or take a few months. Yeah I thought getting here early would be good. I don't want to get here late and get lost, you know what I mean." *Smiles and chuckles* "Yeah I know that would just suck." They both chuckle to themselves waiting for people to show up. Deku sees present mic standing at the podium waiting for the room to completely get full of kids. Deku waves at Present mic and smiles at him. Present mic sees him and smiles at him. But doesn't wave because it would look like special treatment. Shino,"Do you know that Pro hero or something?" Oh yeah that's right I didn't tell you,"My dad is a teacher here and I know most of the faculty." Shino looks shocked at Deku. "YOU WHAT!! HE'S WHAT!! Wow I'm totally shocked, man you should of told me." Deku chuckles and says," Sorry about that man I must of forgot, whoops!"

A few minutes later: The auditorium is filled up with people and Present mic is going over what the 1st test of the exams will be. You basically have to destroy a bunch of robots and get the most points. Unfortunately Shino and Deku got different exam exam locations. So they will be seeing each other in a later date.

Deku is heading to the 1st exam location: Deku sees a few potential strong people in the crowed of people who are waiting for the doors to open. Deku is going to use his Explosion quirk in the memory of Kacchan and the Purple Fire quirk for his own benefit. The door opens and as soon as it does, Deku uses the explosion quirk. Propelling himself in the air, sending him flying directly towards some enemy robots. He has already defeated 20 robots and the doors opened literally 1 min ago. The announcer said that one of the contestants already have 100+ points. The students in that location start to panic, because there isn't much of the robots left to destroy. "I should stop and let the rest of them get some points." Deku looks down from on top a building and sees a girl about to be killed by a huge robot. His body moves automatically and drops on top of it and uses his explosion quirk and his purple fire quirk to destroy it and burn it to Ash. But unfortunately some parts are falling directly where she is. He propels himself downwards with his explosion quirk. Like if he was using a jetpack. He gets to her just in time and throws her out of the way. But unfortunately he gets crushed by the piece of metal.

To be continued..

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