Never Ever Not Love You

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St.Bonaventure was home for many doctors, especially Dr. Audrey Lim and Neil Melendez, I mean, they met and fell in love there, so many memories were made there and they loved it, but sometimes that place makes you wanna punch someone or a brick wall or walk into your house after the end of the day and cry until you can't anymore. sadly, it was one of those days.

Audrey was having a normal day at the office when Dr. Reznick walked into her office.

Audrey looked up from her desk, "yes, Dr. Reznick, what can I do for you?"

morgan's expressions changed like the weather, her face was rather sad, "Dr.Melendez went home, he wasn't doing so good, The patient he was working on, died during surgery, the baby survived, she's very tiny"

Audrey felt the pang of pain when Morgan said that Neil lost his patient. She knew it wasn't going to be an easy night, she knew one thing, he needed someone there.

Audrey stood and started packing, " You said Dr. Melendez went home"

"Yes I did"

Audrey zipped up her bag and ran towards her office door. She felt horrible for him, he felt like he was doing the right thing. he wanted to save the mother and the baby so badly. she ran down the stairs and out the doors of the hospital. she swore she never ran so fast in her life, she just wanted to be there to hold his hand and just be there for him

20 minutes later, Audrey arrived at his house, she had stopped by her house to change and pack clothes so she had clothes for work the next day. she took in a sharp breath as she walked through the door. she put her bag and keys down and took off her shoes. the soft sounds of Ed Sheeran's "Dive" played through the living room. she walked into the room where he sat, nursing a bottle. she slowly wandered to the couch and sat right beside him. she could see the pain he was in when she took his hand. he let out a shaky breath, she knew he was possibly going to cry but he was too stubborn to let it out.

she rested her head on his shoulders and that was when he finally spoke up, "Dance with me"

Audrey gave him a soft smile, "Of course"

They both got up and moved the coffee table. Once they had enough room, Audrey pulled him closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, laid her head on his chest. He slowly wrapped his arms around her whole body and held her tightly.

Neil spoke up, "I lost her Aud, I Almost had it, and I lost it"

Audrey kept her eyes closed as she listened to his heartbeat, "I know you did,"

That's when she felt him break into sobs. It broke her heart. She held him tighter as they swayed.

She felt her own tears falling, this broke her heart, "Shhhhhhhhhh, I know I know, It's alright to cry, let it all out". she rubbed his back. she could feel her heart breaking as he cried. there was nothing she could do but hold him tighter. She was clueless about how to help him, she just wanted to make him smile. she had to figure a way to make him happy again.

Audrey ran her fingers through his hair as she hummed to the music, he started to calm down a little.

That's when he was able to speak, "I don't deserve you Aud, You're too perfect"

Audrey laughed a little, "Ohhh baby I'm FAR from perfect, we both are"

Audrey took his face in her hands, "Neil, there's something I've wanted to say for a while now"

Neil  gave her a soft smile, "Like what"

Audrey started to tear up, then her voice broke, she felt so warm inside, she felt like screaming it from the top of the roof, "I love you"

Neil looked straight into her eyes, "what did you just say"

Audrey sobbed as she smiled, "I said "I love you" You asshat"

Neil gave her a smile and laughed, "I love you too"

Audrey Laughed as Neil picked her up and spun her around. when he put her down she rested her forehead on his and whispered, "I'll never ever not love you"

Neil smiled at her and whispered, "I'll never ever not love you either"

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