Pain, Rain and Power outages

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Neil Melendez arrived home early that day, 11:00 Pm. He was excited to get home to his girlfriend and unborn child. when he walked through the door, he didn't hear a thing, The rain was falling faster and louder.

Neil put down his bag, "The rainstorm is getting bad out there"

"NEIL, HELP, SOMETHING'S WRONG", He could hear the panic in her voice. He ran into the kitchen and saw Audrey leaning against the counter, clearly in a lot of pain.

"Audrey, what's happening?"

He walked towards her and she grabs his hand, "I think I'm in labour Neil, I think I've been having contractions"

"Okay okay, how far apart are they if they were contractions?"

"About 6 minutes apart"

Neil rubbed her back, "Maybe go sit down I bet you have been moving everything in the nursery"

"Okay," Audrey said as she made her way to the couch as Neil got her water.

Suddenly, Neil heard a scream from behind him, he turned to see Audrey leaning against the wall, looking down at the floor.


Audrey laughed as she looked down, "Yeah, everything is great, I got my answer, we should go now"


Audrey walked closer to him, he looked down and saw Audrey's jeans were covered in water. 

"My water just broke"

Neil dropped the glass and ran upstairs. he grabbed the baby bag and their bag and ran down the stairs again to find Audrey trying to put her shoes on but failing because of her contractions getting closer.

"GAHHHH NEIL HURRY UP" Audrey yelled as she hunched over trying to breathe.


Neil and Audrey made their way to his tesla and sped to the hospital. while Neil drove Audrey was trying not to scream. 

"WHY THE HELL DOES THIS HURT SO FUCKING BAD," She said through her teeth.

"I don't know babe but if I could not make it hurt I'd do anything"

Audrey turned to Neil who was so focused on getting his girlfriend to the hospital. She smiled softly before another contraction hit

"OH, sweet Jesus christ just make it stop" Audrey yelled grabbing Neil's hand.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Claire, Alex and Shaun were on stand by to help the couple, they rehearsed this for weeks, thanks to Neil's impulse of trying to make Audrey's labour as calm as it could. Claire would have a wheelchair ready, Alex would park his car in his space and Shaun would be there for Audrey to ask her the questions.

Neil's tires screeched which told the team they arrived, Neil jumped out of the car and helped Audrey out.

"Shaun, my contractions are 2 minutes apart and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 

Claire ran towards her and helped in the wheelchair, "Dr.Lim you are in good hands now just breathe okay, like you practiced"

Shaun and Neil not far behind them, Audrey yelled a second later as they entered the elevator, "Shaun, I forgot to tell you, my water broke about 10 minutes ago, I was having contraction before it happened"

"Thank you Dr.Lim, let's get her checked in, are you having an epidural?"

Audrey was focusing on her contraction she was having, "Hell no, that increases my rate of having a c-section, that's the last thing I want"

once they relaxed into their room and everything was done, it was just Neil and Audrey to fight through it together.

Audrey's contractions were getting closer together and stronger. she bounced on a birthing ball trying to get comfortable. Neil changed into scrubs.

"Audrey you're doing so good just keep breathing," Neil said rubbing her back.

Audrey got off the ball and took Neil's hand, "I just want you to hold me"

Audrey had her back against him and she swayed side to side trying to fight through her contractions, suddenly the lights went off.

"The storm must have knocked it out, the generator should be on any second"

They both stood there and waited, nothing happened.

"We might be having our baby...IN THE DARK" Audrey yelled as another contraction took her over.

"I NEED TO PUSH, NEIL I NEED TO PUSH, I WANNA PUSH," Audrey said making her way to the bed

"Okay, I'll go find Claire," Neil said as he ran out.

Audrey laid down and felt something between her legs, she gasped and yelled out to Neil,


Neil ran back into the room and looked at her, he grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight and placed it beside him. he found gloves and put them on.

"I'm about to deliver our baby, I need you to give me a big push okay, as hard as you possibly can"

Audrey nodded as she elevated her legs, pushing her feet against Neil's shoulders and pushing with all she could.

"That's it Mi amour push push push push"

Within seconds Neil told her to take a break and to push again.

"That was a good one Aud but you really gotta put some power into the next one, then you can hold her," Neil said rubbing her leg.


Neil's face lit up, "Audrey, Audrey, She's so close, I have her shoulders in my hand just a soft push and she's in my arms"

Audrey stopped pushing once she felt the pain stop, she heard a cry and started crying herself.

"Audrey oh my god she's here"

She looked up and saw Neil holding their baby in his arms, bouncing up and down.

Neil put her on Audrey's chest, "Oh my god, Hello my baby girl"

She planted a kiss on her baby's hair and looked up at Neil.

Claire and Park ran into the room, "WHat the hell just happened"

Audrey looked up, "Neil and I want you to meet our Daughter, Addison Li Melendez Lim"

Neil kissed Audrey and smiled as they looked down at her.

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