Chapter 14: Theo

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I was in such a rush to leave the hospital wing feeling triumphant, that I lost focus of where I was going and promptly ran into the one hallway the pesky poltergeist, Peeves, lurked. Peeves was in the midst of unscrewing a crystal lamp from the wall when he spotted me strolling by with my mind in the sky, the perfect target for a bored Poltergeist.

"Why, it's Ava diva Fountaina! Misses Peeves has she in her new Frenchie place?" He taunted as he glided next to me.

"Haven't missed you one bit, thanks" I quipped back as I rushed along the corridor.

"Oh but Peevesy has missed Diva Fountaina very much as have others- HAHA." I tired the other door to find it locked shut. I glanced at the keyhole to find broken quills smashed inside, likely the works of Peeves himself.

"Messed with Peevesy's fun, little bitty fountiny has , hasn't she?" He went on, making me turn to go for my wand. Only, it wasn't in my dress pocket. I looked around, trying to recollect where I last placed it, and it dawned on me that I had left it in my school bag like an idiot back in Beauxbatons.

"Uh oh, little baby fountiny doesn't have her wand! Whatever can she do? Fight Peevesy? Use her own little baby hands herself?"

I turned angrily at the taunting ghost to see him giggling away at his fun. Across the hall, a student was walking out of a classroom door and stopped to see what was going on.

"Peeves! What are you-"

I looked around the ghost to see in my surprise Harry walking towards me, school bag in hand.

"Ah! Potty wee Potter!" I dodged the ghost and rushed up to Harry who recognized me instantly.

"I expect I'm the last person you expected to see here," I commented, stopping short in front of him.

Peeves rushed past us in the air and started to dive bomb the line of students as they exited out behind Harry. From the group I caught the sight of Ron, who started towards us with Hermione in tow.

"Uh, well yeah. Didn't you leave? Changes schools-"

"You're back!" Hermione exclaimed as she stopped next to me for a hug. "Are these your new school robes? I heard you changed to Beauxbatons, is that true?" She went on, gazing at me up and down.

She had gotten a bit taller over the summer, her hair was longer and just as frizzy as last I saw it, but her smile was genuine and it was just what I needed.

"Easy Hermione, let her talk,' Ron cut in, causing me to report back my answers.

"Then this blue is your school color?" I gazed down at my new uniform and flattened out the skirt before nodding.

"You didn't get scared off from Hogwarts, did you?" Ron asked, making me respond back curtly in a hard no.

"My parents weren't happy with me being involved with the monster from last year," I started. "They want me to blend in, not cause any trouble."

"Oh then we are to blame then," Hermione quipped.

"But for doing what? Helping us in the girl's bathroom?" Harry responded smartly. He was frowning as was Ron. I chuckled before telling them they had no idea how strict my parents are on the idea of causing trouble.

"Really? Then why is your brother still here? Fred and George have been having the time of their lives with him, you know," Ron said. "Breaking into the library to party on the first night, bombing the corridor the day after and-"

"My parents have favorites, " I said, cutting him off with a grin. I explained why I was here in the first place and how Theo was in Dumbledore's office now with Snape and my mother.

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