Chapter 60: The 3rd Task

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June did not just bring about Draco Malfoy's birthday, but also the impending doom that were finals.

Beginning on the first week of June, teachers from every class started pilling excess assignments, essays, and study guides to complete, outline and focus on at every waking moment. The nice warm weather that had once made me excited, now only seemed to tease me from the windows of the library.

"At least your exam doesn't involve flying needles turning you into a pin cushion!" Mila complained from her complicated dress pattern she was supposed to complete by the end of term.

"Oh woe is you, Mila. You have to finish a dress pattern, not a cure. Take a chill pill," Marie said with little pity as her friend continued to groan.

"I don't see you working on your dress pattern," Sam pointed out from her spot next to me. She, like most Hogwarts students, was studying the basic core curricular that involved only a textbook and study materials. Nothing fancy.

"I already finished it," Marie gloated brightly while Ana and Mila fumed jealously behind her.

"I don't understand why they would make us take exams at a different school. It hurts my head focusing between two languages," Mila continued with a pout.

"It hurts your head? Gees, wonder what that feels like," Rosalie muttered under her breath in a tone just loud enough for the table to hear. Gisele failed to stiff off a laugh while the rest of us, feign Mila, snickered uncontrollably.

"I take it, bickering is everyone's way of having fun in this group?" Ella asked Sam hesitantly. I giggled into my textbook while Sam explained just how intricate our humor really was.

The announcement for the third task came at the end of our third week of June. It was to take place the night of our last finals.

"So we can celebrate the end of classes by watching the champions get beat up. Love that," Ana said with some sarcasm. The rest of us actually were looking forward to this third task, even if it meant the end of our visit to Hogwarts.

After Rosalie brought to my attention just how little time I had left at Hogwarts, it became part of my everyday thought. I would walk past a line of classrooms and think "Ah yes, in a month I won't be standing by these rooms again."

Or I would be sitting in the great hall, watching Dumbledore listen intently to McGonagall about who knows what, while thinking about how I won't see them again anytime soon.

Suffice it to say, my mood was beginning to drop and my friends were noticing.

On the night before the third task, Ella came up to us with Sam in tow, with another one of her wickedly sly smiles on her face.

"I hope you haven't eaten yourself full," Ella began, in her usual cheerful voice. "Sam was telling me none of you, including Ava, has been to the kitchens. Wouldn't want you to leave Hogwarts without seeing the best place in the castle."

"The Kitchens?" Marie repeated, confused. "What happens in the kitchens?"

"Sweets, Marie! And Chocolate I hope," Ana exclaimed with a new glow in her eyes as she double backed on Ella. Ella gave her a thumbs up to the chocolate idea.

"It's where all the house elves are. Just ask and you shall receive," Sam added lazily.

"So you've been there?" I asked. "All this time and you're only now telling us! How did you find it?"

"This one," Sam said with a nod toward Ella's brimming smile. "Those Hufflepuffs have that kitchen down as a secondary headquarters. Food parties every night."

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