Chapter 3

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The announcement they had been waiting for came: "King Willem; Queen Anstice; Crown Prince Louis; of Strasland."

When the formal greetings between Luke and the visitors were over, Prince Gustovas proudly introduced his grandsons to King Willem and Queen Anstice. Looking Prince Louis up and down, he placed his manicured hand on the boy's shoulder with a flourish, saying, "You're old enough to be married, Louis." Turning to the Strasland king, Prince Gustovas said, "Grandsons are the best kind, Will, but great-grandsons are even better. They keep one's throne secure." Catching Luke's eye, he said in his broken Frenc, "You're old enough too, Luke. Perhaps one of my grand-daughters?"

Discounting the prince's offer as small talk, Luke smiled. He was happy to see Prince Gustovas and King Willem together like this; it spoke of unity for the kingdoms.

"We've brought gifts for King Konrad and Princess Jobyna," Prince Louis said, his young voice changing from low to high. He cleared his throat, turning as a line of slaves bearing long rolls that appeared to be carpets, entered the throne room.

"Where's the princess?" Louis asked, his voice deeper, staring from one person to the next, then he queried, "and the lovely Princess, Maia?" His voice changed pitch as he asked, "Where are they?"

"Princess Jobyna is in the front reception chamber, downstairs," Konrad answered, frowning, thinking, they must have walked right past —why didn't someone bring Jobyna here if this is where these gifts are to be presented?

"No; she wasn't there," Prince Louis asserted and cleared his throat again.

All eyes turned upon Luke. Konrad stepped towards the dais. Luke knew it was time to make an announcement.

"Princess Jobyna is resting. She had a slight faint." He raised his eyebrows at Konrad, hoping the king would not question him further. Soft exclamations broke out; murmurs of sympathy. Luke continued, "King Konrad will receive the betrothal gift from our friends in Strasland."

Twelve matched slaves bore four incredible tapestries upon their broad shoulders. Each creation portrayed a castle with its surrounding city. The capital of Strasland with its palace-like castle was upon the first to be unrolled. Everyone grouped around it, saying they had never seen such a beautiful tapestry. The colors of the kingdom were worked into a flag upon the highest turret of the castle. Five minutes passed before the second tapestry was displayed. This was of Landmari Castle in Proburg. Prince Gustovas was dumbfounded. Deeply covetous, he craved to obtain such a tapestry for himself.

"Look at that, Konrad!" he said excitedly in his native tongue, pointing to the repairs depicted in the northern wall, "It's so accurate. How did they learn of such detail? Look at the scale of the buildings in comparison to the castle. Amazing! It must have taken a score of hands months to work this!"

The third tapestry was of Frencolia and while the Proburg royals were still enchanted with the wonder of the details on the Proburg tapestry, Konrad, Luke, Dorai and Frencolian dignitaries poured over Frencberg and Kings Castle, depicted upon a green and gold background. The monarchs from Strasland watched with increasing pleasure.

Peeved, Prince Louis addressed Luke, "You must send for your sister, and your cousin! I find it most vexing they're not present! —We're having one made for the czar —it's of Jydanski Palace. I want to see the reactions of your two Frencolian princesses to our gifts here."

The fourth tapestry was unrolled. Kelsey Castle, with its surrounding village stood on a background of blue. Konrad, already overawed by the other three, crouched on the marble examining this one with pride. His Kingdom. And he would take his beloved princess there. She would be Queen of Reideaux; Queen Jobyna. Just another hour or so, the betrothal would join them legally as they signed the contract papers. After that they would fix a wedding date. He turned to Luke who came to view the fourth tapestry. "Jobyna is all right, isn't she?" Konrad spoke softly but his deep voice was heard by all.

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