Chapter 7

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The planned hour for the betrothal ceremony was well gone. Crowds at the gates and lining the streets were impatient to see the royal couple.

After the procession, a banquet was planned and baskets of food waited to be filled for distribution to any and all.

Prince Charles' sketches were of great interest in the throne room so much so that it became a valuable diversion from the heat of discussions about the duel and 'King Luke's naïveté.' After the sketches of the children had been passed around from person to person amidst acclamation and wonder as to the resemblances, royal people casually 'lined up' to have their portrait sketched. Upon completion, admiration circled, praising the accuracy and speed in which Prince Charles created each sketch.

Most guests in the chamber had been sketched before the prince ran out of parchment and it was then that the royal women of Proburg, and Princess Minette with her daughters, Princesses Maia, Doralin and Elissa, were announced to the throne room, followed by Jobyna who had dressed in her betrothal gown. However, instead of leaving her hair loose and wearing the prepared wreath of fresh flowers on her head, she chose to wear it braided, in a more severe style. This served only to make her appear more grown-up; it did not detract from her beauty of face.

King Luke Chatelain was announced last and the royal people, having bowed in respect to the Frencolian King, gathered nearer the throne.

"We agree to a contest, and..." Luke announced. He was unable to continue as the chamber reverberated with cheers and applause. "...and we have decided to join the contestants," he added, when there was quiet. This time, there were protests among the applause.

"Will you also contend for your sister's hand?" Prince Haroun's shouted question was heard above everyone.

Luke held up a hand. Loran and Granville tapped their spear-butts until there was quiet.

"I contend, as champion, for my sister's choice..."

"Then where's your gauntlet? —Or are you afraid to strike the prince of Bavarest?" Haroun, in an ill-temper, interrupted.

Luke had hoped he could dispense with the tradition of slapping the face of his contestants but realized he would have to go through with the required performance. He took the tendered glove from Sabin. A tense silence filled the chamber as the Frencolian king strode from his throne and without ceremony slapped the heavy gauntlet across Prince Haroun's bearded face before throwing it to the floor. The gesture was returned, making Luke's cheek and nose smart from the blow though he refused to give any outward sign of his pain.

Snatching the gauntlet from Haroun's grasp, Luke strode to King Konrad. He did not lessen the stroke and felt a little vindicated to see Konrad flinch. Luke braced himself for the return strike. Konrad, having retrieved the gauntlet, hesitated.

"Which of us will Princess Jobyna marry if you win, King Luke Chatelain?" Konrad's voice trembled with anger. He was not prepared for his friend to be involved in the duel.

Luke smiled and said, "That will be her decision, King Konrad. Perhaps she'll choose not to marry either of you."

Konrad slapped the smile from Luke's face with a resounding slap of the glove, leaving a red mark.

"What will it be, King Luke? A duel?"

"We're not finished yet, King Konrad," Luke said, stepping aside.

Jobyna approached Prince Haroun. Her face serious, she held her head held high but the blush on her cheeks gave away her disconcert. With a matching gauntlet to the one Konrad still held, she slapped it across Prince Haroun's face, saying, "I contest for myself, Prince Haroun." She threw the gauntlet at his feet and stood waiting.

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