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Krissy hated people, it was official.

She fumed silently as she thought of the meeting she had just sat through with Shoura. This was not her first one by far and ever since the day Shoura had asked her if she wanted to be his assistant, she had been attending sometimes three meetings a week. They were exhausting and the men she came in contact with during them were insufferable.

Like Bryce, Shoura had a 'legit' part and a not so legit part of his 'business'.Unlike Bryce, Shoura didn't have someone else running the more legit half so he did it all. He had meetings with people about things ranging from illegal betting to pay roll. It was amazing to her how someone who went to bed at nine was able to accomplish it all.

Although Shoura met with many different types of people, for many different types of reason they all had one thing in common and that was they were all incredibly disrespectful. A bunch of crude, misogynistic bastards who all smoked funky smelling cigars. They demanded to know why she was present during meetings at first, saying they didn't trust her (blah blah blah) and how they couldn't talk freely with her there. Shoura had to threaten them with a cold, dead eyed smiles to get them to shut up and respect his decision on the matter. After that was settled they settled for just ignoring her rudely or giving her side long looks of distaste.

She would have said screw it and told Shoura she couldn't be his assistant any longer after the first week if she hadn't witnessed herself a few of the men attempting to take advantage of Shoura's increasingly more apparent issues with his sight. They handed him things they know he couldn't read while saying it said something it did not, which she would call out (which was another reason some of the the more sneaky, disloyal ones disliked her). She had even witnessed during the meetings held between the more 'important' members of the family attempting to come for his position. Calling Shoura out for his blindness and preaching how their leader couldn't have such a witness if they didn't want to be laughing stocks.

Those bastards made her the most angry, especially since they were blood relatives of Shoura's. People who she felt should have his back instead of trying to stab him in it.


Said woman snapped out of her angry mental rant about people who spoke in other languages (Russian) just because they knew you couldn't understand and was doing it out out spite. That had pretty much had been what happened in the meeting they had just exited. It had been a video conference this time.

They had stopped at the top of the stairs leading to the first floor of the home. Shoura was holding his arm out to her so she could take it and lead him safely down the stairs. He was giving her an amused look.

"You could take the Russian lessons with granny a bit more seriously, you know." He said lightly.

"I take them seriously! I have too but... come on, granny's way of teaching me Russian is speak to me solely in it! She hasn't spoken one word of English to me in two weeks." She thought of the old woman cruelness. She eyed him from the corner of her eye. "You can still see well enough walk, you don't need my help." She reminded. He met her gaze easily, proving her point. Shoura could still see well enough most of the time and he could see best in the mornings after his eyes had rested. "You're just milking things now." She sniffed playfully and turned her head away.

He laughed shortly. "You sound like you want me to fall on my face, Sy, how cruel."

She rolled her eyes. "There's also a banister." She reminded as she took his arm. "And of course I wouldn't want for you to fall...who would clean up all of that blood when you crack that gallon jug sized head of yours."

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