Its Raining Taco's

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I did promise this forever ago, and more ideas kept coming so a one-shot collection was started... whoops

"Taco, tacos, TACOS!" Blue sang.

Dream sighed at the overly excited smaller Sans, who was practically dancing... never mind that, he was dancing.

He had never known that Blue knew how to break dance.

Hearing a giggle, he turned to see Ink leaning against a wall, looking ready to start laughing like crazy.

This was something Dream liked about the 'new' Ink, he had a true sense of humor. He was also a bit of a troll.

"IS IT TIME TO GO YET!" Blue shouted excitedly.

Ink giggled a bit more, and summoned Broomie.

Apparently he didn't really need the paintbrush anymore, but it was a habit by now.

"Alright, get over here," Ink finally said, gathering himself.

Blue grinned and rushed over to the other two Star Sanses. In his left hand was the Tacotale Sans puppet, while his right was holding the warhammer.

"Time to go," Ink chirped.

In a swirl of paint, they were gone.


Blue almost forgot to breathe as they appeared in the AU of his dreams.

Well, him and probably every other Swap Sans.

Cross too.

He looked around, his eyelights turning into enormous blue stars. It was so cool!

It was too bad it was in another Multiverse, but probably for the best, as if it was in his own, he'd never leave.

Everything smelled like food.

And was made out of food.

"Oh my stars! A tacofly!" he squealed, seeing this AU's version of butterflies.

He ran over to a river.

"It's made out of spicy sauces I like!" he squealed, tasting it.

Then, he saw a new person enter the area they were in.

A Sans wearing a taco hat made out of an actual giant taco, and taco themed clothing.

"I love this place!" he cried excitedly, glomping said poor soul.

Then it began to rain.

Raining tacos.

"It's raining tacos!" he squealed, running off to catch as many as he could.

"Is he with you?" Taco Sans asked with concern, pointing at the cackling Blue.

"Unfortunately..." Ink sighed.

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