Chapter 4

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A.N. I got some help from findyourimxginxtion , who came up with an idea for this chapter, so thank you! I was really struggling with this story! ❤️ Anyways, on with the chapter!
              Garroth and Vylad screamed at the sudden sight of the girl who was aiming her bow and arrow at them.
              "Answer me!" The girl yelled.
"I-I'm Garroth and th-this is my brother, V-Vylad." Garroth said, slightly scared of this girl.
"What are you doing here? How did you find this place?" The girl asked more calmly, lowering her bow.
              "We're looking for our brother. He has baby blue eyes, black hair that's covering his right eye, and a black, gray, and white hoodie." Garroth explained, feeling safer now that the girl lowered her bow.
              "Is your brother named Zane, by any chance?" The girl asked.
              "Yes! That's him! Have you seen him?" Vylad asked, hopeful.
              "Yeah. Follow me! I'm Skylar, by the way." The girl, now known as Skylar to Garroth and Vylad, said, leading the brothers to a clearing where Zane is sitting on a log and petting Midnight.
              "Zane!" Garroth and Vylad shouted in unison, relieved.
              Midnight started growling at them and Zane commanded, "Stand down, girl." With that, Midnight stopped growling.
              "Hey, guys." Zane said casually.
              Garroth and Vylad tackles Zane into a group hug, saying things like, "We were so worried about you!" and "Why didn't you show up to school?"
              "Guys, calm down. I'm fine. I was just hanging with Skylar here. I also found this wolf and befriended her. I named her Midnight." Zane explained. "It was like I could... understand her." He continued.
              "Not exactly sure how that works. Only werewolves can understand regular wolves." Skylar explained.
              "Interesting." Zane started before Midnight whimpered. "What is it, girl?" Zane asked. Midnight whimpered and it looked like Zane could understand what she was saying. "You think I'm a what?!" Zane asked, seeming to be shocked. "That's impossible." He continued having a conversation with the wolf that no one else could understand.
              There was a sudden blast of light that blinded all of them for a split second. Garroth, Vylad, and Skylar all gaped at what they saw after they could see again. Zane, however, could not see what they were gaping at. "What?" He asked, noticing that they were all gaping at him.
              Without a word, Garroth held out his phone camera on selfie mode at Zane. Zane gasped, noticing what they were all gaping at.
               "I'm a werewolf?!"

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