Chapter 11

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A.N. Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "hey, didn't you purposely post the chapter a day early for this week because you're supposed to help your sister clean her bedroom?" And the answer is, yes! However, something came up and my sister is now watching our nephew today so we can't clean her room today so I thought to myself and I'm like, "hey, my followers like this story and I'm really excited for the next chapter so why don't I just post a bonus chapter this week?" Enjoy the chapter!

          Zianna arrived home to find a police car parked outside her house. She gasped, hoping that everything was okay, and rushed inside the house to find her youngest son talking to a police officer.

          "Officer? What is this about?" Zianna asked as she walked further into the living room.

          "Ma'am, I hate to tell you this, but your husband has been abusing one of your children and even attempted to murder him," the officer explained.

          Zianna gasped and walked over to Vylad and put her arm around his shoulders and asked him, "where are your brothers?"

          "Zane had to take Garroth to the hospital. Zane was the one being abused, but when Garte tried to kill Zane, Garroth jumped in front of the knife to save him," Vylad explained, putting his hand on his mother's hand.

          "Alright. What happened to Garte?" Zianna asked, concerned that he was going to come back to hurt her children.

          "Don't worry, ma'am, we already threw him in jail," the officer said as she stood up from the couch.

          "Good," Zianna said.

          "Well, I'll get out of your hair because I'm assuming that you'll want to go check on your sons," and with that, the police officer left.

          Vylad and Zianna got in the car and drove to the hospital. They rushed into the waiting room and looked around a bit until they saw Zane sitting in a chair with a concerned expression on his face. They rushed over to him and Zianna pulled Zane into a hug.

         "Are you okay?!" she asked.

         "I'm fine..." Zane answered, not looking at his mother.

         "How's your brother doing?" Zianna asked, hands still on Zane's shoulders.

          "I don't know. They haven't told me anything yet," Zane answered.

          As if on cue, a nurse walked over to them and said, "he'll be fine. You can come in and see him if you want."

          They figured that they shouldn't all go in there at once so they let Zane go first.

          Zane walked into the hospital room and Garroth was awake and greeted him, "hey, baby brother."

          "Hi... How are you feeling?" Zane asked, giving his brother a small side-hug. (Yes, I know it's a little out of character for Zane, but this is how I picture it.)

          "A little sore, but better. How about you?" Garroth asked in return.

          Zane sighed before answering, "I don't really know, to be honest. I feel fine, physically. Just a bit sore as well, but emotionally, I guess that's a different story."

          "That makes sense," Garroth said.

          There was a moment of awkward silence before Zane said, "mom and Vylad are both here and they want to see you as well so I'll send one of them in."

          "Alright. Love you, baby brother," Garroth said.

          To Garroth's surprise, he could hear Zane whisper, "love you too, big brother."

          Zianna went in next and then Vylad. The three of them went home for the night after Vylad came out of the room.

          When they got home, Zane went up to his room. Zane sat at his desk that was right by his window and opened the curtains on his window. He looked out at the moon for a moment before taking out his phone. He typed in Skylar's number and texted her, "hey. I need some... guidance, I guess."

          A moment later, Skylar texted back, "hey, Zane! What's wrong?"

          Zane responded, "can I come over? This is really hard to explain."

          Skylar took a few minutes to respond, but eventually did, "sure! Just climb through my bedroom window because my sisters and my parents are all sleeping and we don't want to wake them up and get in trouble. I'll send you the address. My bedroom window is the only top floor window in the back of the house. The back gate to get into my yard should be unlocked, but if it isn't, you might have to jump the fence."

          Zane typed back, "okay, thanks."

          Zane opened his window and climbed out of it and down the tree right outside his window. He looked at the address Skylar sent him and made his way towards her house. He made his way around to the back of the house and opened the gate. He got out his phone and texted Skylar, "I'm here."

          Skylar opened the window and threw a rope ladder down, which Zane climbed up. He crawled through the open window and into Skylar's bedroom.

           Zane looked at Skylar, then looked at the rope ladder in confusion before asking, "why do just have a rope ladder in your room?"

           "Please. You act as if I've never snuck one of my friends into my bedroom before," she answered.

           Zane chuckled a bit.

           He looked around the room. It's a nice room with light pink walls, a few posters with kittens and puppies on them, a loft bed with a gamer setup underneath on the wall to the left of the wall with the window, a regular wooden desk for her to do homework at on the wall opposite of the window, her bow and arrow leaning against the desk, a walk-in closet on the wall to the right of the window, a white wooden door on the same wall as the desk, and white Christmas lights are strung up around her room.

          "So, what's wrong?" Skylar asked, sitting at her gaming chair, but turning it around to face Zane.

          Zane explained everything to her.

          "Wow. That sounds... horrible... I'm so sorry, Zane," Skylar said sympathetically, hugging Zane tightly and to her surprise, Zane hugged back.

          "It was horrible... I just wonder what'll happen, you know?" Zane looked at Skylar and Skylar looked back and nodded.

          "Everything will be okay. I mean, he's gone. He got arrested. And your brother will be fine. It's all over," Skylar assured him.

          "Something just makes me think that... it's not all over. Something is telling me that this... is only the beginning..."

A.N. Btw, Zane is 15 in this story and Skylar is 14. Take that as you will. I don't know how much older than Zane Garroth is or how much younger than Zane Vylad is. Another chapter will be out next week! Stay tuned! Also, I'm sure some of you are totally shipping Zane and Skylar right now.

The Ro'meave BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora