Chapter 10

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A.N. Hey, guys. So I'm updating this story a day early because I'm gonna be busy tomorrow helping my sister clean her room so I won't have time to update. I would update a day late, but I'm gonna be busy all day Saturday too. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

          Garroth and Vylad walked up the stairs, pretending to go to their rooms, but secretly stayed at the top of the staircase where they could get a clear view of what was going down. Vylad took out his phone and started recording the scene.

          "Alright, now listen here, you stupid little werewolf. You are a disappointment and I wish you weren't my son. Unfortunately, I can't get rid of you because of your mom and brothers. But I can do this," Grate then kicked Zane, making him fall to the floor, "because they won't ever hear about it, right?"

          Zane nodded and didn't say a word.

          "Wait here. That's an order." Garte demanded sternly.

          Garte went into the kitchen and came back into the living room... wearing gloves and holding a knife. Zane went wide-eyed.

          "I know I said I wouldn't kill you unless your brothers or mother found out about this from you, but then I realized, I could just kill you. Then you wouldn't have to deal with this abuse and I wouldn't have to have a mistake as a son." Garte held the knife up and as he was bringing it down, Garroth ran down the stairs and jumped in front of Zane to save him. The knife dug deep into Garroth's chest before Garte could realize he just stabbed the wrong son.

          Zane stared with wide, teary eyes as he watched his older brother take the hit for him. Vylad had stopped recording by this point. They got enough evidence, and he, too, ran down the stairs.

          "Garroth! I-I'm so sorry!" Garte exclaimed.

          "No one... is gonna hurt my baby brother and get away with it..." Garroth said through gritted teeth due to the pain.

          Vylad ran over to Garroth and helped support him up so he didn't fall.

          "What kind of father are you...? You hurt one of your sons and literally try to kill him, resulting in one of your other sons protecting his brother and getting hurt. Family should protect each other, not hurt each other..." Vylad thought for a moment before exclaiming, "I HATE YOU!"

           Vylad wasn't sure if that was true or not. On one hand, that was still his father, but on the other hand, he was furious with his father for hurting both of his big brothers. Admittedly, hurting Garroth was an accident, but that accident only happened because of Garte's lack of skill for being a good father. And it still gave him no excuse for hurting Zane.

          Garte looked at Vylad with hurt filled eyes. He looked at Vylad... then at Garroth... then at Zane.

           "What have I done..." he whispers to himself.

           "You just lost the only three sons you ever had. And freedom. We're turning you in to the police. We recorded everything up until the point where Garroth jumped in front of the knife. You're going to jail!" Vylad informed coldly.

          "No... No, please. I'm sorry, sons! I really am sorry! Just don't turn me in! Please!" Garte was on his knees begging at this point.

          "You think you could just apologize and this would all be okay?! Nothing will ever make what you did okay!" Vylad shouted.

           "No, of course not. But please forgive me, sons. I am truly sorry. Zane, come on, you believe I'm sorry, right?" Garte looked at Zane, who was standing on the other side of Garroth with his arms crossed, kinda like he was hugging himself. Zane just looked away from Garte.

          Garte sighed. "Garroth?"

          Garroth narrowed his eyes at his father coldly and shook his head in disappointment.

          "Zane, go get Garroth to a hospital. I'm going to stay here and keep an eye on him while I call the police," Vylad looked at Zane.

          Zane didn't say a word and nodded. He helped Garroth out of the house and down the street. Thankfully, there was a hospital just right down the street from their house. Zane explained to the lady at the front desk what happened and that his little brother is calling the police at their house right now and they rushed Garroth into an emergency room immediately. Zane sat down in the waiting room with a worried expression on his face when a nurse walked up to him. He knew it was too soon for them to have any news about Garroth so Zane looked at the nurse curiously.

          "You look like you could need some medical attention as well," the nurse pointed out.

         Zane looked at his body. He was so worried about Garroth and everything going on that he didn't even realize how bad his own injuries were. He had a lot of bruises and various cuts and his left eye was bleeding. 'Must've been from the impact of falling to the floor,' Zane thought.

           The nurse took Zane into a room where they could treat these more minor injuries (I don't know what those rooms are called). They put bandages on his cuts and bruises and they put another bandage underneath his eye to stop the bleeding. They then sent him to wait in the waiting room for news about his brother.

          Meanwhile, back at the house, Vylad had just called the police and they were on their way to the house.

          "You disgust me, Garte. How could you do this to your own sons?!" Vylad asked rhetorically.

          The police arrived at the house. Vylad showed them the footage and they put handcuffs on Garte.

          "You're under arrest for second degree attempted murder," a police officer said as he pushed Garte out the door. (Yes, I know it technically should be first degree attempted murder, but you'll see why I had it as second degree.)

          "Where is your mother?" another police office asked Vylad.

           "Getting groceries," Vylad answered.

           "Mind if I wait here until your mother gets home so I can explain to her what happened?" the police officer asked.

           "I don't mind. Take a seat," Vylad gestured to the living room setup.

            The police officer took a seat on the couch while waiting for Vylad's mother to get home. "What's your name?" she asked Vylad.


           "Your mother's name?" the officer asked.


           "What are your brothers' names?"

           "Garroth and Zane."

           "Okay, thank you."

           The two waited for Zianna to get home.

A.N. A longer chapter than usual, I know, but there was just so much to cover in this chapter. Also, let me know, who actually reads these notes from me?

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