Chapter 8 (and apology from author)

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A.N. Two chapters two days in a row? That's rare for me! Hope you enjoy the chapter! Read until the end for an explanation (sorta).

          Zane followed his father down to the basement. He still had his piece of toast in hand and he was kind of fearing for his life.

          Garte pushed Zane onto the concrete floor, which busted up Zane's elbows pretty bad, due to Zane using them to try to break his fall.

          "Weakling. Can't even handle some concrete. Listen, brat, your brothers, nor your mother, are to hear about this. What happened and happens between you and me stays between you and me. Got it?" Garte said, before taking it the extra measure, "if they do find out from you, so help me, I will hurt you more than I've ever hurt you before. Kill you, even, and cover up the evidence."

         Zane gulped and nodded nervously.

         "Good. Now get up and go change, you stupid werewolf!" Garte demanded.

         Little did they know, Garroth and Vylad were watching this entire scene unfold from the stairwell.

          They were angry at their father for treating their brother like this. They didn't know what to do so they hurried up to Garroth's room before Zane could see them.

          They hurried into the room and closed the door behind them.

          "What do we do?" Vylad asked, panicked and concerned.

          "I-I don't know," Garroth answered, feeling just as panicked and concerned as Vylad was.

          "We have to do something!" Vylad said, pacing the room.

          "I know!" Garroth said.

          "Boys, it's time for school!" the two boys heard their mom's voice call from in the kitchen.

          "We'll figure it out after school. Come on," Garroth said as he and Vylad walked down the stairs and out the front door. Zane was walking pretty far behind them, looking at the ground.

          When they got to school, Zane and Vylad broke off from Garroth and went to their homeroom class. Zane went to where he usually sits. Vylad went over to sit by Aphmau and Travis, like always. He greeted them as he sat down, but he wasn't really listening to the conversation. He found himself looking over at Zane constantly, but he didn't know why.

          "Hey, Vylad," Aphmau's voice snapped Vylad out of his thoughts.

          "Yeah?" Vylad turned his attention towards her.

          "Why do you keep looking over at your brother?" Aphmau asked.

          Vylad contemplated telling them what he and Garroth saw in the basement. Just as he was about to answer, the teacher walked in, "alright, class! Settle down! We have a new student joining us!"

          The new student walked in and Vylad immediately recognized her.

          "Hey, everyone! I'm Skylar!" she introduced herself enthusiastically then took a seat next to Zane.

          Vylad watched the two as they started talking and even laughing.

          "Wow. She sat by Zane. And Zane is even TALKING to her!" Travis points out in awe.

          "It's nice that he's talking to someone, though," Aphmau said before she realized something, "Vylad, you never answered my question."

          Vylad thought about telling them what he and Garroth saw and decided to tell them.

          "I'll tell you if you promise to not tell anyone or mention this at any time," Vylad made them promise, "okay. So, Garroth and I just found out that Zane is being abused by our father."

           Travis and Aphmau gasped.

          "That's awful!" they gaped in unison.

          "Yeah. And we don't know what to do. We're not even supposed to know about this and dad even threatened to kill Zane and hide the evidence if we found out from him," Vylad explained.

          "Turn him in to the police. Get some evidence and then turn him in. He has no right to treat Zane that way," Aphmau suggested.

          Vylad pondered this for a minute, "you know... that's actually not a bad idea..."

A.N. Guys, I'm sorry about the normally big gaps in between updates for this story. I guess I just keep forgetting about this story. I'm gonna try to come up with an update schedule for it and when I do, I'll post an announcement on my message board about it.

          I felt bad for not updating for so long and then updating with a short chapter and also leaving on a cliffhanger so I decided I'd update again today without a suspenseful cliffhanger and a longer chapter than normal to try and make up for it. Do you guys forgive me? Did I make it up to you? I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

          I'll try to get another chapter out soon! (And I don't mean a few months soon, like, actually soon.)

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