Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Author's P.O.V*


What do you want?

I didn't mean to make
you leave social media.

I'm not leaving because
of you.


Not everything is about

I didn't try to make it
about me.

Yeah it didn't seem like

I'll try my best not to do
that again.

This is going to be the last
time I talk to you.

Can I have your number?


So I can keep in contact
with you to make sure
you're okay.

I already have a enough
people for that.

It doesn't hurt to add

Move on we're not seventeen.

But we were so close at
one point.

I'm not who I use to be.

That's fine. That doesn't
mean we still can't try to be
best friends again.

I can't. I ruined it all.

I don't believe you did.

I did when I looked you in
your eyes and told you to
go kill yourself because you
were incapable of being
loved and will never get far
in life.

I know you only said that
because you were dealing
with your eating disorder
and the stress from life.

I still had no reason to say
that to you when you were
just trying to make me feel

You can make up for it by
being my friend again.

You wouldn't want to be my
friend after my accident.

What accident?

My car accident.

How can a car accident
change my mind about
being friends with you?

Goodbye Niall.

Harry wait.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? The fact that they missed the fist bump in that gif.🤣🤣🤣


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