Chapter 2: Who Gives a Hoot?

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Bendy was already regretting this. It was extremely late, they had work tomorrow, and Boris and the bird were still chatting.

"Hey Boris, I think it's time for bed." He said cutting through some comment of Wilson's.

"Ah, but—," Boris began. Bendy shot him a warning look. Boris snapped his muzzle shut and got ready for bed without argument. Wilson watched silently with his glassy eyes. When Boris shut his bedroom door Bendy turned to the owl.

"You can sleep on the couch. We have work in the morning, so I'm turning in too," he said stretching.

"I thought you had questions for me," Wilson said. Bendy glared at him in irritation. All he wanted was to go to bed and forget about this weirdo and the bad feeling twisting his stomach. He was exhausted and stressed. All he wanted was a little R-and-R after a long day. Was that too much to ask? The owl raised a feathery brow. Bendy cursed and took a kitchen chair to the living room to sit across from the owl.

"Fine. What the cuss was all that when I bumped into you?" Bendy asked.

"Ah, I must apologize for that. I have been traveling for quite some time now. My focus was a bit scattered," he explained.

"What'd you mean when you said 'another one?'" Bendy used air quotations mockingly. Wilson shifted uncomfortably. Bendy narrowed his eyes and scowled. "Gotta a problem with someone like me?" It wouldn't be the first time for Bendy. He had gotten quite a bit of the cold shoulder due to what he was. He didn't care. He had Boris. Boris loved him and supported him and never judged him. He was happy with his little bro.

"No, no," the owl denied. "Nothing like that. I simply don't know where to begin."

"Oh, then how about the part where it was dangerous to talk on the street?" Bendy asked. He slouched in his chair and crossed his arms over his narrow chest.

"Yes, I guess that will work," Wilson murmured. He cleared his throat, "Sadly, I seem to be running for my life." Bendy's eyes widened. "I know several things that certain individuals would rather I remain quiet about." The bird turned his head, Bendy thought it might be a nervous tick. "I was in Crestville talking to a journalist when the fires started. I used the bus system to escape. I, uh, I don't know what happened to my journalist friend. I fear the worst." Bendy clenched his jaw. Was he serious? Had Bendy put his brother in danger by allowing this guy to come here?

"That was really arson? And now you're here, in my apartment." Bendy spat out. The owl looked startled by his reaction, his glassy eyes widened.

"Y-yes! B-b-but you must understand. It's important that the population be warned. There's—,"

"Stop," Bendy commanded with a raised hand, like he could physically stop the words. "I don't want to know anything that could get me killed. I won't let my brother or myself get involved in something so dangerous. When morning comes, I want you out of my house."

The bird seemed extremely uneasy and sad. He looked heartbroken. Bendy wasn't moved, this guy was endangering Boris, he had no pity. "I'm sorry, regrettably, you're already involved." The owl said mournfully. Bendy startled. Were the people after him that close? Was Bendy already too late to get out? No, he didn't know anything, they wouldn't have a reason to go after him or Boris. "You see, when I said another one, I meant you were already involved. You will be one of the innocent victims of their insidious designs." Fear spiked in Bendy. The stupid bird brain was really pushing his luck. Bendy was about to smack the cryptic outta him.

"What are you—,"

"It's a disease," the owl explained seriously. "They are going to allow a plague to sweep this world with pain and death. There are only a few that have gotten sick so far. I am not even sure if doctors have connected the dots yet. I call it ink illness. They want it to spread." Bendy blinked. What?

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