Chapter 14: It All Goes Down Tonight!

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Hiya lovelies! TAP here! And boy have I missed you guys.
"Oh, look, the ghost came back." Wakko put down a newspaper and took off his reading glasses.
"We're no longer in the void!" Dot squeaked in excitement.
Stop! Let me talk to the readers!
The Warners shared a look and shrugged. "Okaaaaaay."
Finals are done! I'm free!!! Now I just gotta get a job and work until next year...sigh.
Anyways! I've missed ya and writing and Bendy! I don't ever wanna miss a Friday again. It was the worst. I missed your comments so much.
"So, look forward to when TAP abandons all of us again?" Yakko asked.
I don't what to hear that from you.
Thank Mercowe for agreeing to be my Beta reader. Go check out their story too. Mercowe is a great writer (Even if it isn't a Bendy story) and show some love!
You guys are the best! Enjoy the show!
"See ya in the story guys." Yakko waved.
"I hope we can eat this time. I'm starving. Can we get a pizza first?" Wakko complained.
"Hey, think you could let me kiss Bendy, TAP? Please! Please? Please!" Dot begged.
Get out of my notes! Go to the story dangit! Leave!


The four waited six days with no word from the insane trio. They had a long sit down and the brothers explained almost everything to the performers. They were still hesitant when it came to Wilson. They didn't say his name, nor the dangerous conspiracies around those issues, but they couldn't lie about the accident that took the owl's life or the fire. They left the ink illness and these events as separate entities to the pair. Boris wasn't exactly sure why Bendy wanted it this way, but he didn't argue it. Boris guessed it was to protect the fox and cat from being targeted like Bendy and he were.

The group had gotten some clothes to disguise him and Bendy during the day. They helped the performers out on their acts during the days. In the evenings, if they could find an instrument to borrow, they would get a dancing show going with Boris playing and Bendy leading people in to start. Finley was tickled with how much they were able to pull in on those couple of evenings. The brothers only had one other close call with a cop when someone complained about the music and shouting, and had a copper sent. The guy had been suspicious, but Finley was able to charm him away. As the days continued Bendy became more anxious. He wondered if the Warners were ever going to get back to them. Maybe they should go to the tower and check? They almost had enough for tickets and rooms in Toon Town now, so it almost didn't matter. Sure, he'd give up on some things he was going to miss, but it wasn't the end of the world. Why was he so bent outta shape here? It was the night of the sixth day and he was a ball of nerves.

Finley leaned back and counted the dough they had made with an easy smile. Sammy fiddled with his fingers and looked very tired. Boris looked like he was about to fall asleep, leaning against a wall. Finley let out a whistle. "I think two more days o' this will have you boys set."

"That's great," Boris muttered, half asleep. Finley gave the wolf an amused smirk. Bendy sighed. Finally.

"Oh, hey, your check in with the doc is tomorrow, isn't it?" Sammy suddenly muttered. His ears dropped. "It might be bad news."

"Or it could be great news!" Finely said.

Ah, Bendy thought, that could be why he was a wreck. He hadn't had another pain attack since that night. The most he'd felt was a twinge once in a while and just as he braced himself for the pain it would vanish. He could almost believe it had all been a bad dream and that he was perfectly healthy. He wasn't so optimistic or ridiculous. Something was wrong with him and if the crow doctor could figure it out, then all the power to him.

"Ya think, Finley?" Sammy asked.

"Well, people say you should hope for the best, right?" Finley raised a brow thoughtfully at the cat.

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