Chapter 4: When Pigs Come Knocking

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Hello lovelies! It's TAP! Wow. These responses are amazing! You people are awesome. XD
I did a Bendy doodle. Because I could and my professor had to explain something I already had down four times for other students. Yipee for boring class!
There. It's on my tumblr and for some reason links hate me. Sorry about that. I'll figure it out eventually. So if you want doodle requests or send me your own fanart contact me over there. Thanks :3
Okay, I'll stop holding you up. See you at the end.


It wasn't until they were practically on their complex doorstep that the brothers noticed the cop car and the pair waiting for them. One was the pig cop that Bendy had escaped from earlier, the other was a tall, curvy detective. She was a beautiful crow with glossy feathers that disappeared into the darkness of the failing day.

"Are you Bendy?" she asked. Bendy's head snapped up at the sound of his name.

"Why yes, I am. But I'm at a loss on your name miss," he answered smoothly to the beautiful woman.

"I'm Detective Joan Featherworth and this is Officer Snoutfer," she introduced herself and the pig.

"Well beautiful, you already know my name and this is my brother Boris. What brings a fine lady such as yourself out here?" Bendy asked, giving her an appreciative look. Boris quietly moaned at his brother's antics.

"Officer Snoutfer?" she suddenly looked to the pig.

The swine man huffed and tugged his belt up on his round belly. "That's definitely him ma'am. This little man jumped around me after fleeing the scene."

The crow turned back to Bendy. "Is this true, sir?"

Bendy threw his hands behind his head and sighed. "Yeah, it's true." He then turned to the officer. "And don't call me little." The pig snorted in surprise at Bendy's sudden change of tone when addressing him compared to the detective.

"Please sir, we just want to ask you some questions," the crow intercepted before the officer could get in a huff.

"Sure, do you want to come inside and get more comfort?" Bendy turned the charm right back on when he turned back to her.

"That would be nice, thank you," Detective Featherworth said.

"Detective do you really believe that's a good idea?" the officer asked.

"Of course, we're simply getting a witness statement of a tragic accident," she said lightly. The officer gave Bendy an untrusting look. Boris's ears drooping, he knew that look. The boys led the pair to their simple apartment. The police sat at the couch.

"Would you like anything to drink?" Bendy offered from the kitchen.

"No, we are only going to be a moment," Detective Featherworth said.

Boris and Bendy grabbed two of the three kitchen chairs and moved to the living room.

"Good heavens man! What is that?" Snoutfer barked at seeing Bendy. Bendy's eyes wandered down to his ruined pants and grimaced. Now unobscured by the waning light it showed its gruesome horror.

"Ah, that was from the accident." Bendy said. "if it isn't too much to ask, could I quickly change?" He shifted uncomfortably.

"I think it best you stay right there boy." Snoutfer didn't leave room for argument. Bendy's tail flicked in annoyance and frustration. His eyes dropped to the floor, but he didn't argue like Boris knew he wanted to.

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