The Pandorica Opens pt.3

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"I don't know. It's the engines. Seer, there's something wrong with the TARDIS, like something else is controlling it."

"You're flying it wrong."

"I'm flying it perfectly. You taught me."

"Where are you? What's the date reading?"

"It's the 26th of June, 2010."

"You need to get out of there now. Any other time zone. Just go."

"I can't break free."

"Well, then shut down the TARDIS. Shut down everything!" I yell.

"I can't!" River yells back.

"Silence will fall. Silence will fall."

"Someone else is flying it. An external force. I've lost control" River says.

"But how? Why?" a high pitched noise fills the chamber and the Romans slump over for a moment, then reactivate.

"listen to me, just land her anywhere. Emergency landing, now. There are cracks in time. The Doctor and I have seen them everywhere, and they're getting wider. The TARDIS exploding is what causes them, but we can stop the cracks ever happening if you just land her."

"It's not safe" River replies, the Pandorica starts to open. A brilliant white light floods out.

"Well, now. Ready to come out, are we?" the Doctor asks hands on hips.

"Seer? I'm done. I've landed" River says.

"Ok, just walk out of the doors. If there's no one inside, the TARDIS engines shut down automatically. Just get out of there."

"I'm going."

"Run!" the Roman's fingers drop away from their hands to reveal weapons. They are Auton's.

"Seer! Seer, I can't open the doors!" the Doctor sees the Autons.

"Amy!" he shouts.

"Seer, I can't open the doors! Seer, please, I've got seconds!" River begs.

"Plastic Romans. Duplicates, driven by the Nestene Consciousness, eh? Deep cover, but what for? What are you doing? What's in there, eh? What's coming out?" the Doctor asks.

"The Pandorica is ready."

"What, do you mean it's open?" I ask, the White allegedly Supreme new style Dalek trundles forward, towards me.

"You have been scanned, assessed, understood, Seer" Red and Yellow beam in behind it.

"Scanned? Scanned by what, a box?" the Doctor asks.

"Her limits and capacities have been extrapolated" Cybermen, Judoon, and Sontarans beam down.

"The Pandorica is ready."

"Ready for what?" the Doctor asks.

"Ready for her" I struggle against the grip of two Romans.

"Doctor..." I say, the Doctor goes to run towards me but is stopped by two other Romans, I'm am being dragged closer and closer to the Pandorica

"Doctor!" I shout.

"No, no, you let her go!" the Doctor shouts also struggling, I am then fastened to the seat inside it. My arms, torso, and head are clamped in place and all their old enemies stare at me while the Doctor repeats incoherent words.

"You lot, working together. An alliance. How is that possible?" I ask.

"The cracks in the skin of the universe."

"All reality is threatened."

"All universes will be deleted."

"What? And you've come to me for help?"

"No. We will save the universe from you!"

"From me?"

"All projections correlate. All evidence concurs. The Seer will destroy the universe."

"No, no, no. You've got it wrong!" the Doctor shouts.

"The Pandorica was constructed to ensure the safety of the Alliance."

"A scenario was devised from the memories of your companion."

"A trap the Seer could not resist."

"The cracks in time are the work of the Seer. It is confirmed."

"No. no, no, not me, the TARDIS. And I'm not in the TARDIS, am I?"

"Only the Seer and the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS."

"Please, listen to her!" the Doctor shouts.

"You will be prevented" I sigh knowing it's no use in trying to explain to my enemies in front of me.

"Total event collapse! Every sun will supernova at every moment in history. The whole universe will never have existed. Please, listen to me!" the Doctor shouts.

"Doctor... please, it's no use" I mutter looking at him sadly trying to keep my own tears in, he looks back at me, his eyes red and puffy, tears falling from his eyes.

"But- I-" he stammers to get words out.

"I love you. And I always will, oh and when this is over, check your pocket."

"Seal the Pandorica" I close my eyes and listen as the Doctor starts shouting through his sobs.

"No! Please, listen to me! The TARDIS is exploding right now and me and her the only ones who can stop it! Listen to me!" the Pandorica closes. River opens the TARDIS doors to discover she is parked right up against a rock wall.

"I'm sorry, my love" the TARDIS explodes. As Rory weeps over Amy's body, every star in the universe goes boom.    

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