The Almost People

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The G-Alex is suffering, I move towards her.


"What's happening?" I ask.

"I wonder if we'll get back. Yes, one day. Argh! I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow" G-Alex says turning to normal, gripping her head.

"The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on" I say.

"Would you like a jelly baby?" the G- Alex holds her hand out and talking in my fourth regeneration voice "why? Why? Why?!"

"Why what?" the Doctor asks.

"Hello. I'm Alex. No! let it go! We've moved on!" G-Alex shouts, I grip the G-Alex.

"Hold on, hold on, you can stabilise" I say.

"I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a Seer, Doctor, I'm, I'm Seer. I can't."

"No, listen, hold on. Hold on" the Doctor says.

"No!" the G-Alex pushes me backwards, the Doctor grabs me


*Time skip*

The Doctor and I watch the G-Alex pace back and forth gripping her head, the other Gangers are trying to batter their way in. Then it all goes quiet.

"I think I liked it best when they were being noisy," Buzzer says.

"Mmm-hmm. Alex, Doctor, we need you. Get over here" Amy says.

"Hello," G-Alex says.

"Doctor, Alex," Amy says.

"Cybermats," the Doctor says.

"Do we have time for this?" G-Alex asks.

"We make time. I'd like more proof that you're me. Cybermats" I say.

"Created by the Cybermen. They kill by feeding off brainwaves" G-Alex replies.

"Are you sure there aren't any weapons to can get to, like big guns with bits on?" Amy says.

"Yeah, big guns would be good right now," Buzzer says.

"Why would we have guns? We're a factory. We mine" Jimmy says.

"Acid" Amy says as the door starts to dissolve and the Gangers recommence their battering.

"Rory and Amy, they may not trust the three of us" I say.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" G-Alex asks.


"I'm glad we're on the same..."

"Wavelength. You see, great minds."

"Exactly. So, what's the plan?"

"Save them all, humans and gangers" I say.

"Tall order. Sounds wonderful" G-Alex replies.

"Is that what you were thinking? It's just so inspiring to hear me say it."

"I know."

"Alex, Doctor, come on," Amy says.

"So, what now, Seer? Doctor?" G-Alex asks.

"Well, time to get cracking, Alex" I say.

"Hello. Sorry, but we had to establish a few ground rules" both of us say, the Doctor shakes his head.

"Formulate a protocol," the Doctor says.

"Protocol? Very posh" G-Alex replies.

"A protocol between us. Otherwise" I say.

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