The Day Of The Doctor pt.2

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*National Gallery*

"But the Time War's over. Why have you brought us here to look at a painting?" Clara asks.

"The painting only serves as Elizabeth's credentials, proof that the letter is from her. It's not why you're here" Kate says, the Doctor breaks the wax seal and unfolds the paper.

"My dearest love, I hope the painting known as Gallifrey Falls will serve as proof that it is your Elizabeth who writes to you now. You will recall that you pledged yourself to the safety of my kingdom. In this capacity, I have appointed you as curator of the Under Gallery, where deadly danger to England is locked away. Should any disturbance occur within its walls, it is my wish that you be summoned. Godspeed, gently husband"

"You know... I knew all about this, didn't say a word. But when it came to me... I see someone gets a little jealous" the Doctor goes wide-eyed and turns a deep shade of red, I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"What happened?" the Doctor asks.

"Easier to show you" the Doctor, me and Clara leave with Kate, a metal shutter comes down behind them as they stand in front of a painting.

"Elizabeth the First. You knew her, then?" Clara asks, next to Elizabeth in the painting, in period costume, is the Doctor's previous self.

"A long time ago," the Doctor says.

*England, 1562*

The Tardis is parked in a meadow in the bend of a river. The door is opened, and the previous Doctor gallops out on a white horse, with a red-headed lady on the pillion.

"Allons-y! There you go, your Majesty, what did I tell you? Bigger on the inside" the Doctor says.

"The door isn't. You nearly took my head off. It's normally me who does that" a while later the two are reclining on cushions near a tent flying the royal pennant "tell me, Doctor, why I'm wasting my time on you. I have wars to plan."

"You have a picnic to eat" the Doctor replies.

"You could help me."

"Well, I'm helping you eat the picnic."

"But you have a stomach for war. This face has seen conflict, it's as clear as day."

"Oh, I've seen conflict like you wouldn't believe. But it wasn't this face. But never mind that, your Majesty. Up on your feet. Up, up."

"How dare you? I'm the Queen of England."

"I'm not English. Elizabeth, will you marry me?"

"Oh, my dear sweet love. Of course, I will."

"Ah, gotcha!"

"My love?"

"One, the real Elizabeth would never have accepted my marriage proposal. Two, the real Elizabeth would notice when I just casually mentioned having a different face. But then the real Elizabeth isn't a shape-shifting alien from outer space. And..." he holds out a clockwork gizmo "ding."

"What's that?"

"It's a machine that goes ding. Close friend of mine made it. Lights up in the presence of shape-shifter DNA. Ooo. Also, it can microwave frozen dinners from up to twenty feet and download comics from the future. I never know when to stop."

"My love, I do not understand."

"I'm not your love, and yes you do. You're a Zygon."

"A Zygon?"

"Oh, stop it. It's over. A Zygon, yes. Big red rubbery thing covered in suckers. Surprisingly good kisser. Think the real Queen of England would just decide to share her throne with any old handsome bloke in a tight suit, just cos he's got amazing hair and a nice horse? Oh" there's no more white horse. Instead, there's the Zygon "It was the horse. I'm going to be King. Run!"

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