~ Part 12 ~

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The Losers were ready. They were all together, they knew how to kill IT and they knew where IT was. They armed themselves with batts, rocks, firecrackers and lead pipes. They got their flashlights and bike then set off for 29 Neighbolt street. When they got to the house, the surrounding area seemed empty but they didn't see the navy blue transam parked next to the house. Henry Bowers watched the losers as the kicked in the door to the house and entered. They walked through the house and into the basement. There was a large circular well in the centre of the room. The Losers walked over to the well and grabbed the piece of rope that went down through the middle of the well. They all climbed down one by one and climbed into a little tunnel that led off away from the well. Henry Bowers entered the house after them and climbed down the well. The Losers crawled through all the different tunnels and followed the exact path that they had taken the first time they were down there. They kept going until they found a small dark room. In this room there were tons of pipes, all leading off into different directions. They looked around the room and winced at the mangled bodies of Belch Huggins and Victor Criss. They chose a pipe and climbed in it. They kept on going through pipes until they came to a massive clearing, filled with old kid's stuff and dead bodies. They walked around the clearing until they saw movement ahead of them. Soon, a small paper boat came floating down an old stream of water, towards the Losers Club. Bill grabbed the boat and held it in his hand. All the losers looked ahead of them and saw a small boy in a yellow raincoat and with only one arm looking at them. "Billy!" The boy yelled.
"G-G-G-Georgie," Bill whispered as he stretched his arm out. "Bill No!" Beverly yelled as she grabbed Bill's arm and pulled it down. "That isn't Georgie!" Beverly told Bill. Bill looked back at Georgie who was frowning. "I hate you Bill, I hate you. YOU LET IT KILL ME!" Georgie screeched.
"No, no," Bill muttered.
"No, G-Georgie is dead. And it is not my fault," Bill said in a firm voice. He then clutched a batt and ran towards Georgie. He drew the batt back and hit Georgie hard round the head with it. Georgie then spun around on the spot and when he stopped spinning he was no longer Georgie, he was the clown. "Come and get me Losers," IT growled. The clown laughed and disappeared into another pipe. All the Losers ran inti the pipe and chased after IT together. Lets do it, lets kill this bastard, Bill thought. "HELL YEAH LETS GET THIS SON OF A BITCH!" Richie screamed at the top of his lungs. They carried on following the clown until they all stopped to catch their breath. They all stopped until they heard running from behind them. They all turned around and saw Henry Bowers. He ran at Stan and lifted his knife above his head. Stan put his hands over his face to protect himself but Henry brought the knife down hard a slashed Stan's arm, leaving a giant bloody cut on Stan's wrist. Stan screamed in agony as Henry turned to the other Losers. He went at Beverly and slashed at her with the knife and cut open her stomach. Beverly now had a giant bloody cut across her stomach. Henry went for the other losers. All of the Losers ran and they ended up getting separated as they ran in different directions. Ben and Eddie ran one way, Mike the other and Bill, Richie and Stan went the other direction. Beverly ended up running through a tunnel alone. Beverly went through the tunnel trying to escape Bowers and hopefully meet up with the other losers.
I am going to post Part 13 in a few seconds since all I have to do is copy and paste something. See you in a few seconds.🤡

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