🔫🔪Murdering Monsters🔪🔫

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Hi ya'll! I planned a bit out I think it was cuz i was watching Angels of Death again that made me start planning it out some. So thats good. (the power of anime lol)
I hope you enjoy reading this. I dont mind comments or suggestions. If you see any mistakes plz tell me. Thank you!


(Timeskip to ray and zack going to zacks place because he is a grown ass man who doesn't like rotting corpses!)
Zack's P.O.V.

"Listenin to ya story makes me wanna go shoot myself an 'haunt' (cough 'kill' cough) people..."

"Why dont you then?"Ray said her face and voice are startin ta get dull again.

I'v havent been killin smilin assholes since Id been with ray...Ha! Which gives me an idea! (💡)

"Hey ray ya remember I was wantin ta take ya somewhere before I stopped talkin ta ya."

She just nodded her head in response.

I look at her slightly annoyed because of her not talkin.

*sighs* "folla me"

(Another wonderful timeskip by waffles and anime the 2/3 best things in da world.(in my opinion))
Rays P.O.V.

"Hey were here..Ray" i hear Zack say

I look up at all the people walking into the gates. The light were just coming on since the sun was just setting.

"Zack why are we.. at an amusement park?"

" I was gonna take ya here before but this time were here for another reason." He kinda started to sound proud.

Zack grabbed my hand making me blush slightly. He dragged me till we were infront of the haunted house.

"We can kill lots of assholes in here and they'll think it was an act or somethin like that?"

Yea he was proud for coming up with it but it wasnt a bad idea.

I started smiling just thinking about shooting people.

"Good idea"

"Ray your starting to creep me out abit"

I started walking in the haunted house with Zack following me. He has no right to talk hes getting as bad as me.

Zack held up his scythe. His whole being craving the death and blood of another human.

As soon as people show themselves we killed. I shot everyone Zack wasn't slicing more like shreading them to bits. We left nothing of the pityful people.

Everytime we killed one.. more came in. Everyone was attracted to the screams of horror and manic laughter coming from the house not knowing that no one was coming out.

We were both filled with happyness, laughter, and covered with blood. The house had layers of fresh corpses. Guts spilled.. blood pumbing out of the many bullet holes in the red stained bodys.

Hours had pasted. The darkness covered all. Me and Zack were in the middle of the floor back to back out of breath surrounded by are crual sins.

"That...*huff*...was...*huff*...awesome" i hear Zack say


I look at the decapitated head laying infront of me with a bleeding neck.

"I think its time to go" i say quietly after a minute we both got up. As we started to leave I stomped on the head.

"I suppose were not humans we are monsters" I say to myself

"Whatcha say?"


"Wait I forgot to do something!"I said completely ruining the mood

"But your the one who wanted ta leave!"

🌸Cole-Chans P.O.V.!🌸(yay)

As they left they didnt notice the eyes watching them closely.

"Yes murdering monsters is exactly what you are my dearest Rachel."

Zack and Ray walk home in bloody bliss. Staying in the shadows and out of eyes sight the best they could.


Ight thats that chapter I hope you enjoyed. I dont mind comments or any suggestions. If you see any mistakes please tell me. Thank you for reading!


The News

Today approximately 57 people have died at the popular amusement park Game Play. The haunted house was used to trick people into think the massacre inside the building was fake but this morning some of the employee's were found slaughtered and sewn back together. Police believe that the two serial killers have teamed up. This is believed because the bodies are both torn and have bullet holes in them while afterwards sewn. A bodyguard down at a bar where a group of kid were killed then sewn claimed to have seen two kids one being slightly taller running away from the scene but was unable to identify anymore. Relatives and friends of the victims have been out raged that the assailants have not been caught.

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