Love Sings

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I vamp-ran to the Salvatore building and knocked on the door. Adella answered the door, "hey Alex how are you we have just gathered to introduce our selfs to Casey and Cara."

"I'm Alex, I'm a vampire turned by the Salvatore brothers and I love one of them." I looked at Damon and Damon smiled at me when Adella stud in between us and said, "okay I'm Ella now and I'm a vampire. I was friends with Alex years and years and years and years ago."

I laughed at Adella and everyone started to laugh.

"I'm Casey and I'm crazy. I'm a siren."

"She is crazy and I know that." Cara interrupted. Casey tried to kick Cara but she showed no pain. "I'm Cara and I'm a vampire with very heightened emotions."

"That's the only thing she has got right this month." This time Cara kicked Casey and Casey screamed and nearly deafened me!

"I best go,I need......Erm.............I need to practice.......cheer leading."

"Okay?" Casey was noticing thing.

I walked out the door and Damon followed me out, " what's the matter?"

"Rebekah sent me a note." I shown him the note and he said,"the back stabbing bitch!!"

That's what I say..........

The next day, things changed. I walked to my locker with Caroline and a letter was in my locker.

'This time I mean it. Go back to klaus or everyone dies.

Your choice,their lives in your hands.


Caroline gasped and called Damon. "Alex has just got a note from Rebekah."

"Another one?!"

"What do you mean ANOTHER ONE?"

Damon hung up on Caroline and we went to cheer leading practice.

Cara joined the squad this week and did flips and hand stands with me.

"Nice to have someone do the same thing as me, I don't like doing back flips alone,my friend johnny taught me." Cara was nice but had very heightened emotions.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked

"One boy who moved away called Lewis, he was very nice." Defiantly got heightened emotions.

After practice we went to drama where we did a singing lesson.

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