Love Is Dangerous

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I spent the next few days in a hotel room and I decided to go to school. We had history all day AGAIN!! Brings back memories.

"Where have you been Alex?" Alaric stared at me and I replied, "visiting old friends. I have gone through a tough time."

As I sat down Caroline came into class and she gasped when she saw me in Mystic Falls. "Why are you still here?"

"I'd rather be here than with a original hybrid, a wise person and a backstabbing BITCH!!" Caroline laughed and someone at the front of the class giggled.

"Is something funny Ella?" Alaric was getting interrupted by me and my friends.

"Sorry Ric. Alex came back and she is at the back of class." Ella whispered.

*beep* *beep*

As my phone got a message Caroline looked over my shoulder.

Klaus: please come back

Me: no I wanna stay in Mystic Falls.

Klaus: Kol can bring his memories back.

Me: that's why I'm staying.

Once I left class my phone rang and it was Klaus.

"I don't wanna talk now." It wasn't Klaus

"Hello Alexia. Come to the grill and you can get your precious little Gilbert."

"You have Jeremy? Don't hurt him!" He was family I can't loose family.

"Just come and he won't be hurt. Come alone." Kol hung up and I stood in the hallway frozen.

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