<<New things, Old Memories>>

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Third Person POV

Jorden was walking out of one of the schools building and listening to a tape she had recorded for any notes that she might have missed. As she was walking towards her car she had felt something or somebody hit her shoulder. She had looked down and seen a person on the ground.

" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't see you"

He had looked up at Jorden and sent her a small smile getting up and running his figures through his hair.

" Nah it's ok. I'm not very coordinated in the first place."

Jorden had smiled back at him, Then begin to walk away but he had grabbed her arm. It had startled her some but she had stopped and given him a look of confusion.

" Yes? "

" You wouldn't possibly have anything to do later on today ?"

Jorden had sent him a soft smile as she began to think about her schedule, then shook her head when nothing came to mind; other than working on the cars she had bought back in high school.

" Maybe, why what do you purpose that I should do ?"

She had pulled her books closer to her body as she was waiting for her answer

" Well. Ya know maybe we could just I don't know, Hang around. "

She had put what he said to thought then nodded.

" Well how about this. I have some old cars at my place, and since your a.. guy you're going to help me fix them up a bit. "

He had shrugged and crossed his arms.

" I don't think I know much about cars. "
" Well if that's the case then I can teach you. "

Jorden had smirked at him and walked past him brushing his shoulder slightly causing him to turn around and watch her walk away. Jorden had stopped walking and turned back around with a piece of paper in her hand handing it to the guy.

" Come to this address after you done with you classes, make sure you come in clothes your not afraid to get dirty. "

Winking at him, Jorden had turned back around and began to walk away. He had yelled slightly due to the fact that she wasn't far away from where they were standing

" Hey!. I didn't catch your name? "
" Jorden. "
" Well see you then Jorden. "

A smile had come to both of their faces as he back away slowly and continued in the direction that he was going in, and Jorden continued to her car. Once there she had sat her books in the back seat and began to drive home. Her home wasn't an apartment. If those who knew what her family did would understand but they don't so she has to tell them that he is some kind of CEO of a company, but she had to do what she had to do.

Since her brother had done a few *jobs* he had cut her some of the money that he had seemed to *make* but she didn't mind. Ever since she had gotten that large some of the money she had been giving most of it away to charities and homeless foundations, schools that needed the help. This girl had a heart and she didn't want money that she didn't know what to do with. Yea she went shopping and yea she has a house the size of a huge park but that wasn't her Idea her brother bought the house so she just naturally agreed.

Once she had parked the car in the multi-door garage, she had walked up to her room to get started on the work packet that the teacher in her Machine Design Analysis. With her being an M.E student and her teacher being a butt hole made it 25% of their grade. So she had started on it early. As she was working on the packet she had started to feel a little keen for something.. anything. So she called for some Korean take out. the best they had in town in her opinion. Until the food got there she would just scroll through her Instagram and twitter. Scrolling past pictures and stupid arguments between people she didn't know nor cared about.

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