Chapter 2: A silent cry for help

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Dan walked downstairs, dark shadows under his eyes. Hosuh and Stephen weren't home still, which meant he still was hands-free, "Thank fucking god..." He mumbled. He headed into the kitchen to find a note on the fridge. In neat letters, it read,

"Hey, Daniel!

Morning! Me and Stephen went out again today- his idea, not mine. I'm sorry we can't be home today, there's steak in the microwave with tinfoil over it. There's tater tots in the fridge- don't microwave them unless you prefer them soggy. You don't have to do any chores, I did them before I left. Me and Stephen will be gone for about an hour, have a swell time!

~Hosuh Lee"

Dan sighed, crumbling the note up and tossing it into the trashcan. He dug in his wallet, pulling out a few bills and a credit card. Leaving the house with his hood over his head.


Hosuh and Stephen came into the house laughing, Stephen holding Dan's card in his hand. "See, Hosuh? It was fun, wasn't it? When's the last time you went shoplifting?" He cackled, placing a bag of stolen items on the couch.

"Daniel?! We're home!" Hosuh called, walking upstairs. "Dan?" He asked, looking around. He headed back downstairs to see Stephen walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, Dibshit," He called, Hosuh following him. 

"Where do you think he went?" Hosuh asked the purple-haired man.

"I don't know... he doesn't usually leave without telling us first..." Stephen muttered, "C'mon, let's go upstairs to see if he's in the shower again- he's been spending way too much time in there," He said as they headed upstairs, Hosuh clinging to his arm.


They walked up to the door, Hosuh knocking on it. "D-Daniel? Are you in there?" He called, "I'm coming in," Hosuh called again, before shutting his eyes, walking into- an empty room. He glanced around nothing. 

While the silver-haired boy swept the bathroom for any clue where he went, Stephen noticed Dan's laptop was on, but was in screen saver mode. He walked over moving the mouse around. Only to come face to face with the search engine. He began to laugh as he motioned Hosuh over, "Dude! Hos, get over here- look!" He exclaimed as he did as told, seeing the screen.

"Oh no..." He mumbled, covering his mouth- after that left him, the sound of a door open- then slam shut. "DANIEL!" Hosuh exclaimed, running downstairs. Dan stood there, his face dark as his hood hung over his head. "D-Daniel? W-what were thinking?" He mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Dan asked.

"DON'T ACT STUPID! YOU KNOW!" Hosuh exclaimed, making Stephen run over, pulling him away from Dan, "WHAT MADE YOU THINK YOU COULD JUST GO AND- AND- ugh..." He mumbled, making the green-haired man back up against the door.

"I... no... you saw?" Dan asked, his body shaking.

"WE DID!" Hosuh exclaimed, "You can't be doing that! You realize how dangerous it is to go and sign up for a fucking dating site? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Hosuh shouted, Dan tearing up.

"H-Hosuh, please- he's not worth it," Stephen whispered, pulling him into a hug.

"N-no! I-I can't! HE'S SUCH AN IDIOT!" Hosuh shouted, pushing away and running off, "He doesn't know what's gonna happen! What if he encounters someone that can hurt him! He's lost his FUCKING mind!" He exclaimed from upstairs.

Stephen glanced over to see Daniel in tears, "Dude- what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"

"I-I... I have to go..." He said turning around, towards the door.

"Where?" Stephen asked, following Dan out the door.

"S-Somewhere... a-away from here... a place where I can't get you guys involved in my problems-"

"Wait- Daniel!" Stephen exclaimed, grabbing his arm and turning him around, "What's going on? Why did you... attempt at a dating website? Your better than this man- I'd like to help you out- but you need to help me understand," He told his roommate, tears running down Dan's cheeks.

"I... I just... ugh," He mumbled as Stephen slowly released his arm. "I just... every time you and Hosuh leave the house, I'm here- left alone, and It's starting to get to me," Dan admitted, "So I'm... a little jealous..." He muttered, blushing deeply.

"You're... jealous? W-why? I... honestly feel bad now..." Stephan groaned, scratching the back of his neck.

"No need... that's why I wanna join a dating website... so I don't even notice you two going out- don't put your relationship on pause because of something stupid like me... go see if Hosuh's ok- if I try and talk to him, he might hurt my face," Dan mumbled, wiping his tears- I... found a website... so Imma leave somewhere so I can focus on making a profile- you just... comfort Hos... ok?" He told Stephen, him looking into the purple-haired man's eyes.

"But, Dan-" Before he can say anything else, he turned around- heading down the street- his hands in his pockets.

Stephen watched as his friend walked away, his face dark.

"I wanna help... 

but you're not letting me..."

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