Chapter 7: YT meets YT

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Jo attempted to glance over, Dan smacking his arm in panic. "Don't be too aggressive with your glance!" he scolded, "Then she'll definitely look over- and see me!" He whispered, he's face turning even more bright red. "I don't need senpai to notice me yet! I'm a mess..." he whispered, moving his bangs out of his face.

"Awww- your embarrassed~ Don't worry! I'll just switch tables and then we'll see how this goes!" Jo beamed excitedly, "I believe in you!" he told Dan before getting up and switching to a near by table.

"No- Jo- I-"

"Hello," a female voice said suddenly, making Dan jump and turn.

Standing there was a young woman. She had dark wavy brown hair, light peach skin, and dark brown eyes. "A-Are you... Daniel Lim?" she asked in a soft but friendly voice.

All that came out of him was a whimper when he attempted to respond. "Y-Yes..." he whispered shyly- not realizing he was his words were inaudible.

"Sorry, what was that?" she asked as Dan became to breath heavily.

"YES! T-Thats me!" he exclaimed from all the pressure. "Hi!"

"Oh- uh- I'm Jaiden ^^💧" the girl replied, "I mean- my profile said so- I thought you might've not have spotten it- spotted it- uhhh" she said quickly as the tension between Dan and Jaiden became thicker and thicker. "Maybe I should stop talking." she whispered, sitting awkwardly where Jo was first sitting.

"No- it's o-okay! I mean- better you talk to me then I try and make conversation and fail," Dan chuckled nervously as Jaiden's eyebrows went up.

"Hehe~ Well trust me- my attempt at conversation goes really badly when I actually put effort!" Jaiden giggled sheepishly, both laughing at the hysterical conversation they we're having.

They went quiet, silence between them. Jaiden glanced around before, Dan and her met eyes, both blushing. She moved hair behind her ear as her brown eyes looked down at the table, "So! uh..." she exclaimed, looking away. "Nice... Hair... Dyed?" she asked.

"Nah- natural~" Dan chuckled, flipping his hair in an over dramatic way.

"Hehehe~ What do you do on your freetime?" Jaiden asked after a soft giggle, making Dan smile.

Dan glanced down, his cheeks turning pink. "U-uh..."

"It's okay- umm- I'll go first," Jaiden smiled, adoring his shy attitude. "I like to hangout with my friends- playing with my pet bird Ari and... Well, spend most of my time on Youtube videos- it's basically the story of my life-" she glanced up to see Dan staring at her with his eyes wide with surprise. "I know I know- It's a horrible life-"

"No no! I'm also a Youtuber- I get it, it's a serious mess when it comes to racing to get your video done on time!" Dan explained.

"You are? Your user?" Jaiden asked, pulling out her phone.


"Nice," she smiled, subscribing. After she told Dan her user, he did the same. They talked for hours and Jo eventually had to leave- knowing he wasn't gonna be walking a sadsack home.

After a few hours- the cafe was gonna close- so they decided to get going too. Dan led Jaiden out, holding the door for her. "This was fun- I was expecting something worse to come out of this," Dan admitted, Jaiden giggling.

"Same- your actually a decent guy- lemme know when your interested in another date ^^ - there's this place I know you'd like,"

Dan gave her a soft smile, Jaiden smiling back, "I'm down when your down," Dan told her.

"If our video schedules will allow it," they both said in unision- making them both laugh.

Jaiden blushed, tucking hair beind her ear. "I did have fun, it's the most fun I had in years- but I gotta get going- bye~" she quickly said before pecking Dan's cheek and scurrying down the street, her visibly bright pink face as Dan stood there- a deep blush spreading across his face as this new figure in his life- quickly made her way across the street.

He held his chest, his heart pounding.

Not far from where he was,  watching them from the shadows was Tsithema- she glared at Dan as he fluttered.

"Who does she think she is? I'll make her suffer. I'll kill her for trying to take Danny away- he's mine....

Only mine."

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