Chapter 17: Paying you a visit

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Hosuh woke to Stephen sitting up in bed. He glanced around, Hosuh confused. "Babe? What's wrong?" he asked. He didn't respond, pointing at the woman at their doorway.

"You hear that?" Tsithema asked, motioning to listen as she looked out of the room.

They all fell silent as they heard soft whispers- then silence. "What the fu-" Hosuh mumbled.

"So I'm not crazy..." Tsithema mumbled, "There's a dark presence in the house- aside from myself~"


Hosuh and Stephen jumped out of bed after hearing Dan scream. It wasn't the normal scream that he does when a spider tries to say hi- no. It was a blood curdling scream. His scream rang through the house, making Hosuh and Stephen cover their ears in pain, Tsithema worriedly looking around. They headed upstairs to see Dan in the hall leading into his closet. He was on the ground as his body trembled. "Leave me alone!" he exclaimed as a huge shadow towered over him.

"Don't you speak to me like you don't deserve to suffer!" an elgant voice whispered, a demonic eco sounding as she slowly lifted her hand. "Look at me- I want to watch the life leave your eyes.." she hissed as she levitated him off the ground by throat. Dan's eyes were closed tightly, as she spoke. "I SAID LOOK AT ME! LET ME SEE YOUR PAIN!" the shadow shouted, forcing his eyes open. Hosuh and Stephen gasped softly, as to not get caught- Tsithema watching in awe. Dan's eyes... They were glowing... Much like the way Jasper's did, only his light was fading. Hosuh was about to step forward when the floor under him creaked. The figure snapped her attention towards Stephen, Tsithema and Hosuh, followed by a ear piercing demonic scream. The lights flickered as she dropped Dan, Stephen and Hosuh covering their ears once again, Tsithema ready to fight her off. When the 5th time the lights flickered on- she was gone(No rhyme intended).

The boys ran upto Dan, helping him up. "What happened?" Hosuh asked Dan as Tsithema hovering over.

"What happened?! My mom found me is what happened! How did she get here!?" Dan exclaimed. He hurried out of the hall, quickly packing clothes and his toothbrush. "Grab your things, we're gonna have to stay somewhere else until mom gives up on trying to kill me. Or even better- loses me." he told them as they confusingly glanced at each other, then proceeded to pack the things they needed.


Anne, Jay, and Joe sat on the couch at Jay's house, watching a movie in their PJs. The doorbell rang, Jay getting up. "I'll get it- don't pause it!" he called, about to open the door. When he did, he came face to face with a pissed looking Dan. "Oh hey, Danny~ How you doing? Is your head fine?" Jay asked, talking like he were to a child.

Dan clearly wasn't having it, "What the fuck?! Stop talking to me like I'm a baby!" he exclaimed, "Move." he growled.

"Jay? Who is it?" Anne asked as her and Joe came over to see what the racket was. "Danny! Are you better?" she asked sweetly.

"How's your head?" Joe asked, making Dan's eye twitch in anger.

"Stop asking that!" Dan shouted suddenly. "Something happened when we were at our apartment- my mom payed us a visit. I haven't seen her in years! How the FUCK did she find me!" he exclaimed.

The others went quiet- unsure why he was so angry, "But it's your mother-sure, she was a little angry with you- but alot must have been going through. her head. And yea- her ability to throw you across the room without touching seemed pretty scary.. She could also have alot of other tricks up her sleeves- and the more and more I talk about this- she does seem a tad dangerous-"

"She's my mom, Joe! She IS dangerous!" Dan exclaimed, "And how do you know her!?" he asked.

"Well... You lost your memory... And we wanted to try and get you back through her- then we found your parents and then your mom attack you 20 seconds after she saw you... Didn't think she actually wanted to kill you..." Anne muttered.

"Ugh... Now we have to move," Dan told Stephen and Hosuh, both of them groaning. "Yeah, all because you wanted to get my memory back. Well you did- and now we're all DEAD!" he exclaimed, "We're staying until my mom either gives up on finding me, loses me, or we get a new place!" Dan told Jay before they walked in.

Joe, Anne, and Jay freaked out when they saw Tsithema hovering after the boys. "Whoa whoa whoa! Who's this!" Anne exclaimed, pulling on Dan's sleeve.

He turned around to see the witch he knew since chapter 3. "Oh- uh. Everyone meet Tsithema! Tsithema, these are my friends, Anne, Jay and Joe- so don't attack. K?" he told them, introducing each other.

"Okay," she replied, hovering behind Dan shyly.

"They're friendly. It's okay," Dan told her as he walked away.

Tsithema was about to follow him when Anne got in her way. "What are you?" she asked, about to touch her pearl white horns. Before she can, her hand went through Tsithema. "What the fu- SHE'S A FREAK!" Anne exclaimed, hiding behind Jay and Joe.

They nervously backed up as Tsithema hovering past them casually. "Don't be too intimidated, she cool," Stephen told them.

"Hey, Dan? Can I talk to you? Privately?" Jay asked, placing a hand on his shoulder just as he finished setting up his bed on the living room floor.

"Uhhh- sure," Dan replied? Following Jay to his room.


Dan watched as Jay shut the door, carefully locking it. "Um- Jay? What're you doing?" Dan asked nervously.

"Oh relax- I just have quesitons." Jay reassured him, making the green haired man sigh in relief. "First, who's that girl you brought into my home?"

"I told you- that's Tsithema."

"Is she your... girlfriend?" Jay asked.

"No she's NOT!" Anne exclaimed, breaking the door open, Joe following.

"I swear I tried to stop her!" he exclaimed nervously.

"Anne?" Dan asked.

"She's not- and I won't allow it- also. Jay, she's going upstairs. Your roomate is gonna see her-"

They heard a scream, all of them running upstairs. "Your killing me!" a soft voice exclaimed from the other side of the kitchen door. They ran in to see, Stephen, Hosuh, Tsithema and Judith, Jay's roomate- making pizza. "Your not supposed to put potatoes as pizza topings! And we can't use pepperoni- I'm a vegetarian!" she exclaimed.

Hosuh and Stephen laughed, then they noticed Jay, Joe, Anne, and Dan at the door. "Why the face, Jay?" Judith asked, moving his hair out of his face after walking over.

He shook the thought away, realizing all of them looked horrified. "N-nothing. Just- thought she-" Jay mumbled, his eyes not leaving Tsithema.

"Your so weird, Jay~ Also, Tsithie is such a sweetheart- she gave me this~" Judith cooed, showing Jay a eye necklace. He freaked out, grabbing it and smashing it on thw wall. "Babe!"

"Don't touch that! It could be cursed!" He exclaimed.

"Jay, I-"

"No! Dan she's not aloud in my house!" he exclaimed, pointing at Tsithema, her hiding behind Stephen.

"But-" Judith began, "we we're gonna make cupcakes..." she whined.

"No- I don't care- she could hurt you," Jay told her, caressing her cheek.

"Noooo...." Judith whined as Tsithema hovered out of the room, Jay shooing her out.

"Your gonna sleep outside." Jay told her as soon as she was in the front yard. Tsithema jumped as he slammed the door shut. The sky becoming dark as it became to pour- lighting sounding in the sky.

Her hat became soaked, Tsithema groaning in annoyance. She hovered over to a tree, going under it for shade. She looked at the house before laying on the ground.

A soft hum sounded in the distance, making Tsithema sit back up. Then she sensed a familiar aura...

"Dan's mom..."

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