Chapter 10: Accident

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Stephen, Hosuh, Jocat and two of their friends, Anne, and Jay stood around a hospital bed, Daniel's unconscious body laying there. His skin was pale as his chest moved up and down- soft breathes leaving his body as the heart meter sounded next to his bed.

"What happened?" Hosuh asked.

"Dan was leaving the market, and then that car came out of nowhere!" Jo explained.

"What was he doing in the street???" He exclaimed.

"He wasn't- Dan was on the sidewalk when the car ran right into him! We didn't see the person's face though...they ran off before we call the police..." Jay told Hosuh as he stared at Dan- complete shock on his face.

"I hope he's okay..." Anne whispered, tears running down her cheeks as she hugged Stephen.


Months has passed and Dan still hasn't woke up. Tsithema disapeared mysteriously- leaving his friends to scramble to pull themself and the channel together- without Dan's help.

As Stephen and Hosuh was responding to messages on discord- they got a call from Jay. "Hello?" Hosuh asked into the phone.

"Hosuh! You and Stephen have to get over here! He's awake!"

They knew who he was talking about- seeing all of Dan's friends were waiting the whole time.


They burst into the hospital to see the others were in the waiting room. They stood up, Anne bouncing in place. "Come on come on! I wanna see him!" She exclaimed.

They walked into the room to see Dan himself- looking around the room confusingly. Anne ran upto him, throwing her arms around him. He yelped, pushing her away. "Watch out! He could still be in pain!" Jo exclaimed, prying her off of Dan.

They all crowded him, making him glance around- not sure what was happening. After a bit- he eventually warmed upto those people they called his friends. He didn't think much of the fact they were smothering him with hugs and smiles.

"I feel...


DanPlan ({Killing me slowly})Where stories live. Discover now