Chapter 6: Regret and worry

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Dan's eyes fluttered open, Tsithema by his side. "Danny?" she whispered. "He's awake!" she called, downstairs before turning back to the vibrant haired teen. He sat up, his head hurting as Hosuh and Stephen ran in.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I was angry- I didn't realize what I did until it was too late!" Hosuh exclaimed as tears poured down his cheeks.

"I guess it was my fault too for saying I'd take your girlfriend(I was lying)- I basically gave you a heart attack..." Stephen mumbled.

"You did what? Why would you-"

"Stop." Dan mumbled, "I don't... I feel fine... I'm not going to hold a grudge - but what you both did was..." He whispered, getting lost in his gasps.

"Your bleeding." Tsithema told him, levitating a tissue- wiping the blood trickling down his nose.

"It's normal- but It's been happening more often than not." Dan told her, pulling away- using his sleeve to wipe his nose bleed. "It happens when I'm stressed.."

"Why would you be stressed?" Stephen asked.

"Why? WHY?! YOU GUYS!" Dan shouted suddenly, losing his temper. "You guys... you never stop bothering- if it's not one thing- it's another..." He whispered as more blood trickled down his lip from his nose. "I'm leaving." He exclaimed, wiping his nose again, stepping out of bed and storming down the stairs.

"Wait! Danny!" Tsithema exclaimed, flying after him. She stopped in front of him, stopping him from touching the door nob. "Please- stop,"

"Out of my way!" He exclaimed, grabbing the nob and leaving- going straight through her.

As Dan stepped out, Hosuh grabbed his arm, "Daniel, please! Don't go!" He exclaimed.

"Where would he go?" Stephen asked, "This town is small- we can find him anyway,"

Dan yanked his arm out of Hosuh's grip, making him fall forward, landing on his knees,making him yelp. He held out his arm as Dan ran off, heading down the street. "Daniel!"

Dan continued, hearing Hosuh pleading  for him to come back. He ran a few blocks before slowing down as he walked down a sidewalk. "Maybe I should visit Jocat..." He whispered.


Jo loaded a shelf at his work, a giant box of Twinkies next to him. "Thanks for the snack~" A voice said in back of him, making him glance over his shoulder. Standing there was Dan, a box of Twinkies in his hand. "Hey,"

"Oh, Hi, Dan ^^" Jo exclaimed, standing up and smiling. "What brings you here?"

"I... we had a fight again..." Dan mumbled.

"What? Really? That was the fourth one this week- you okay?" Jo asked sympathetically.

"Yea- it was me to walk away though- I'm okay, just a little hurt... but..." Dan whispered, looking down at the box of pastries.

"Take it- I'll pay- you deserve it," He smiled, as Dan placed it on the shelf.

"Nah- you could get in trouble for giving stuff away- besides, I just wanted to hang.."

"Well... I am on break- but I kinda hate seeing the shelves looking empty.." Jo groaned, stepping back to inspect the partially empty shelves.

"Whoa than- can we go to get coffee or something?" Dan asked, tugging on his sleeve.

"Yea yea, okay," Jo mumbled, realizing he didn't have a choice.


Jo took a sip of his coffee, Dan just looking down at his. Jo noticed this, placing his cup down- glancing at Dan's full cup. "What's wrong? Thought you wanted coffee." Jo asked.

"Hm? Oh yea- for sure... I'm just... thinking..." He replied, glancing out of the window.

"About this weeks video? Your always over stretching yourself with this thing- don't you have another hobby?" Jo asked before taking a sip from his cup again.

"I know... I signed up for a... a dating website-"

This made Jo choke on his coffee, Dan's eyes widening. "What the fu(*coughs*)- DAN!" he shouted, "What has gotten into you?! That's insane..." Jo mumbled as Dan looked down shyly, "Looks like he finally lost it..."

"I know I know... the fight this morning was about about that... I set up a time- so me and the girl can get to know each other- I... there's a reason I chose this cafe in particular..." Dan explained, "Before you leave- I need you to be near by- just in case the date goes badly.."

"Whoa wait- what? Am I? *gasp* Am I your wingman?

"Ehhh... Yea. I guess if Stephen and Hosuh weren't being pussies, I would have allowed them to be my wingmen- or people who'll exist to give me tips, and to simply cheer me on- but guess not..." Dan groaned, finally taking a sip from his coffee. He immediately spit it out, making Jo gasp in shock.

"Daniel Lim!" He exclaimed, grabbing nakins and cleaning the coffee off the table as Dan frantically covered his face with a now soaked menu- hiding his bright red face. "Goodness. You look like tomato." Jo pointed out.

"There she is- she matches her profile! In back of you.." Dan whispered nervously.

His flustered attitude make Jo giggled, curious how this girl might look to make his friend cower the way he did.

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